Page:Barlaam and Josaphat. English lives of Buddha.djvu/145

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doon alle lyke as they had sayd/ the knyghte that knewe noo thyng of the treaſon beganne to wepe and prayſed moche the counceyll of the kynge / and remembryd hym of the vanyte of the world and counceylled hym to doo it as ſone as he myght/ and whan the kynge herde hym ſaye ſoo/ he ſuppoſed it had been trewe that the other had ſayd to hym how be it he ſayd no thynge/ & thenne he vnderſtood and apperceyued that the kyng had taken his wordes in euyl and wente and tolde al this vnto the leche of wordes alle by ordre/ and he ſayd to hym / knowe thou for trouthe that the kynge feryth that thou wylte aflaylle his royame/ aryſe thou to morowe /and ſhaue of thyn heer and doo of thy veftements/ and clothe the in hayr in manere of a monke/ and goo erlye to the kynge / whan he ſhall demaunde the what thou meneſt / thou ſhalt anſwer / my lord kyng I am redy to follow the / For yf the waye by whyche thou deſyreſt to goo be harde yf I be with the it ſhal be the lyghter to the / and lyke as thou haſt had me in proſperyte/ ſo ſhalt thou have me in aduerſyte/ I am al redy/ wherfore taryeſt thou/ and whan he had thys doon and ſayd by ordre / the kynge was abaſſhed & repreuyd the falſe men/ and dyd to hym more honoure thenne he dyd before/ and after
