Page:Barlaam and Josaphat. English lives of Buddha.djvu/146

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thys the kynges ſone that was nouryſſhed in the paleys came to age and grewe and was playnely taught in al wyſdom / and he meruaylled wherfore hys fader had ſo encloſed hym / and called one of hys ſeruauntes whiche was more famylyer wyth hym ſecretely/ & demaunded hym of this thynge/ and ſayd to hym that he was in grete heuyneſſe that he myght not goo oute/ And that his mete ne drynke ſauerid hym not ne dyd hym no good/ and whan hys fader herde this/ he was ful of ſorowe / and anone he lete do make redy horſes and ioyeful felawſhyp to accompanye hym in ſuche wyfe that no thynge dyſhoneſte ſhold happen to hym & on a tyme thus as the kynges ſone wente he mette a meſel and a blynde man / and whan he ſawe them he was abaſſhed / & enquyred what them ayled and his ſeruauntes ſayd thyſe ben paſſyons that comen to men/ and he demaunded yf the paſſyons comen to all men/ and they ſayd nay/ Thenne ſayd he ben they knowen which men ſhal ſuffre thyſe paſſyons / without dyffynicion / and they anſwerd who is he that may knowe thaduentures of men/ and he begun to be moche anguyſſhous for the Incuſtomable thynge herof / & another tyme he fonde a man moche aged whiche had his chere frounced/ his teth fallen & was al
