VI Index Alex., Christmas Bird Census, Emma J., Secretary, report of, Wetmore, 22. Welty, Dr. 268. Whedon, wills, 83 Whitman, of, 262. Whitney, A. G., Christmas Bird Census, 15- A. D., With the Whip-poor- A Kingbird Family, 117. Miss Jessie L., Secretary, report Widmann, O., Scarcity of Bluebirds in Missouri, 171. Wilson, Burtis H., Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 23. Wraight, Mrs. Percival. See Kopman,H.H. Wright, Horace W., and Wellman, Gordon B., Christmas Bird Census, 15, 16. Wood, Rev. S. F. See Fordyce, Geo. L. Woodward, Magnolia, Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 22. INDEX TO CONTENTS Advisory Council, 28. American Ornithologists' Union, Twenty- fourth Congress of, 212. Auk, The, reviewed, 30, 106, 214. Bahamas, 38. Baldpate, 193. Bittern, American, 46. Blackbird, Rusty, 46. Blatchley's 'Boulder Reveries,' reviewed, 214. Bluebird, 68, 92, 171; figured, 92. Bradley, Guy M., 34, 229. Brewster's 'The Birds of the Cambridge Region of Massachusetts,' reviewed, 174. British Columbia, 25. B. O. C. Migration Report for 1905, re- viewed, 139. BurHehead, 193. Bustard, Great, 197. Calendar of Massachusetts Society, 215. California, 24, 193, 249. Canvas-back, 193. Caracara, 55. Cardinal, 39: figured, facing 39. Cassinia, reviewed, 69. Cassique, figured, 125. Cats, 146. Census, Christmas Bird, 14, 33. Chat, Yellow-breasted, 64, 65, 131 ; figured, 132. Chickadee, Black-capped, 6, 33; figured, 7, i7"2; Long-tailed, 32. Chuck-will's Widow, foot figured, 53. Clarke's ' Ornithological Results of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition,' noticed, 70. Cockatoo, Red-crested, figured, 51. Colorado, 10, 59, 172. Condor, The, reviewed, 31, 106, 140, 176, 215. Connecticut, 1, 16, 17, 77, 137, 138, 251. Cooke's ' Distribution and Migration of Ducks and Geese,' reviewed, 213. Coot, foot figured, 56, 193, 250. Cormorant, Brandt's, figured, 202. Cormorants, 57. Creeper, 52. Crossbill, American, 31, 43; White- winged, 31. Crow. 52; Clarkes', 32. Cuckoo, 53, 54. Curlew, Eskimo, 236. Delaware, 253. Dipper, American, 10; figured, 10. District of Columbia, 253. Duck, Dusky, 45; Ruddy, 193; Wood, 236. Ducks, 57, 59. Eagle, Bald, 213 ; Golden, 55; foot figured, 55, 213; Gray Sea, 213. Eggs, relative size of, 11. Feeding birds, 171 . Feet of Birds, 51. Flamingo, 57. Florida, 32, 67, 190, 254. Flycatcher, Least, 138. Flycatchers, 52. Gallinule, Florida, 106; foot figured, 57. Gannet, 57. Georgia, 21, 32, 232. Gerberding's Identification Note-book, no- ticed, 215. Goatsuckers, 30. Golden-eye, 193. Goldfinch, American, 208. Goose, Cackling, 195; Lesser Snow, 194; Ross', 194; White-cheeked, 194; White- fronted, 194. Grackle, Purple, 69. Grebe, 141 ; Horned, 46. Grosbeak, Rose-breasted, 113, 161; figured, facing 1 13, 162. Grouse, Ruffed, figured, 205. Grouse, 30, 55, 56. Gull, Glaucous, 30; Great Black-backed, 91; Herring, 89; Kumlien's, 30; Point Barrow, 30. Hawk, Broad-winged, 1; figured, 3; Pigeon, 43; Red-shouldered, 138; Red- tailed, 68, 138, 151; figured, 153; Spar- row, 48.
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