Page:Bonny Gilderoy.pdf/4

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And now this gars my heart to bleed
for my dear Gilderoy.

And when of me his leave he took,
the tears they wat mine ee;
I gave tull him a parting look,
"My bennison gang wi’ thee!
Gud-speed thee weel, mine ain dear heart,
for gane is ail my joy;
My heart is rent sith we maun part,
my handsome Gilderoy.

Mv Gilderoy, baith far and near,
was fear’d in ev’ry town,
And bauldly bare awa’ the gear
of many a lawland lonn;
Nane e’er durst meet him man to man,
he was sae brave a boy;
At length wi’ numbers he was tane,
my winsome Gilderoy.

The Queen of Scots possessed nought
that my love let me want;
For cow and ewe he brought to me,
and e’en when they were scant:
All these did honestly possess,

he never did annoy,