Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/26

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xxii Contents. PAGE The great princes and the nobility. Aquitaine. The Dukes of Burgundy. Philip the Good. Charles the Bold 389 Campaign of Beauvais, 1472. Charles in Lorraine, in Elsass, in Germany. Relations to the Swiss. Swiss aggression 390 Granson and Morat, 1476. Nancy, 1477. Death of Charles. Louis and Maximilian 391 Treaties of Arras, 1482, and Senlis, 1493. Britanny. Its rights, and independence 392 League against Anne of Beaujeu. The Guerre Folk, 1485. Intrigues to secure the Breton succession 393 The league defeated by La Tremouille, 1488. Death of Francis II . . 394 Anne of Britanny marries Maximilian, 1490. Forced to marry Charles, 1491. Stages of the union of Britanny with France .... 395 Anjou; absorbed, 1481. Guyenne. The Armagnacs .... 398 Albret. Bourbon. Lesser nobility 397 The Bourgeois', Louis XI. The peasants. Their relation to the King . 398 The Estates General. Their decay; 1439, 1451, 1484 .... 399 Attitude of the Estates in 1484. Meeting of 1508. Predominance of the King. His Council 400 The Parlements. Relations to the Council 401 Composition and functions of the Parlement of Paris. Lesser judicial authorities 402 Legislation. Codification. Royal officers ....... 403 Financial system. The Taille imposed by royal authority . . . 404 Ordinary and extraordinary revenue. Domaine; Aides; GabeUe . . 405 Taille. Inequalities of incidence 406 Variations in the burden of taxation. Financial divisions . . . 407 Administration of finance, and financial officers . . . . 408 Chambres des Comptes. Imperfect control. Lack of unity . . . 409 Expenditure. Pensions. The army, and war 410 Changes in the military system. Reforms of 1439 411 Reform of 1445. The Ordonnances established ..... 412 Infantry Artillery. Navy. Commerce . . . . . (. . . 413 Art. Architecture. Literature 414 The chief persons of the period. Louis XI 415 CHAPTER THE NETHERLANDS. By A. W. WARD, LittD., LL.D., Master of Peter-house. Impression made by Charles the Bold on contemporary imagination . 417 Effects of his failure. Building of Burgundian fortunes. The great towns 418 Acquisitions of Philip the Good, 1419-67. Namur. Brabant. Cities of Brabant. Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland 419 The towns of the northern Netherlands. Amsterdam. Kennemerland . 420 Friesland. Groningen. The Bishop of Utrecht. Luxemburg ... 421 Principality of Lie'ge. Wars of Lie'ge, 1465-8. The Somme towns . .* 422 Bishopric of Utrecht. Feuds in Utrecht. Gelderland. Party-strife '. 423 Conquest of Gelderland. Burgundian rule in Gelderland, 1473- Centralisation under the Dukes 424