later date was Mptr Moves. A number of influential
Ulster Catholics pstablisiiotl the Belfast "Vindicator",
in 1S39, with Charles davan Duffy as editor, whose
Buccessor in 1S42 was Kevin T. Buggy. This, though
an able weekly, ceased soon after 1S44. In IStO, a
magazine, entitled "The Catholic Luminary", was
established in Dublin, which appeared every alternate
Saturday, was managed by a committee of priests and
laymen, the subscription price being eight shillings
yearly, and lasted from 20 June to 11) December, 1840.
Its successor was the "Catholic Magazine", pub-
lished by James Duffy in 1S47, a monthly journal
devoted to national literature, arts, antiquities, etc.
Although ably conducted by Denis Florence ^lac-
Carthy, Richard D. Williams, and Father Kenyon, it
declined in 1S4S, owing to political excitement, and
ceased publication in the following December. A
weekly paper, entitled "Catholic Advocate ",wasissu;d
in 1S.")1, but only one number was published. James
Duffy ventured on another monthly, called "Duffy's
Fireside Magazine", which ran from 1851-54. He also
published a weekly magazine, "The Catholic Guar-
dian", devoted to national and religious literature, but
it ceased after forty-three numbers, the last issue be-
ing dated 20 Nov., 18.52. Frederick Lucas, a convert
from Quakerism, had founded the "Tablet", the first
number of which appeared 16 May, 1840. After
some years he came to know Irishmen like Gavan
Duffy and John O'Hagan; and, as he was dissatisfied
with the support given by English Catholics, he trans-
ferred the "Tablet" to Dublin at the end of 1849.
After his death (1855) it was transferred back to
London. The "Catholic Layman", a monthly po-
lemical magazine, price one shilling, ran from 1852 to
1854. The "Catholic University Gazette", a weekly paper under the auspices of Cardinal Newman, had a brief existence from June, 1 854, until the end of August,
1855. Its price was but one penny. Another weekly, the "Irish Catholic Magazine", edited by W. J. O'Neill Daunt, ran from January to August, 1856. The "Harp", edited by M. J. McCann, was issued in 1859. It was an excellent Catholic monthly, but had a sporadic existence under varying titles, and finally disappeared in February, 1864. Among its contrib- utors were Canon O'Hanlon, Dr. R. D. Joyce, Dr. Sigerson, Dr. Campion, and John Walsh. McCann, still remembered as the author of the song "O'Don- nell Abu", died in London in 1883. In July, 1860, James Duffy founded the "Hibernian Magazine", edited by Martin Haverty, a distinguished alumnus of the Irish College, Rome. It was a monthly, price eight pence, and ran for two years. The contributors included Father C. P. Meehan, Prof. Kavanagh, D. F. MacCarthy, Dr. O'Donovan, William Carleton, D'Arcy Magee, and W. J. Fitzpatrick, and the articles were all signed. It ceased after two years, but a second series was started in 1862, with Father Meehan as editor, which extended to six volumes and ended in June, 18ti5. A higher-class magazine was "Atlantis", the official literary organ of the Catholic LTniversity, of which four volumes appeared between the years 18.59 and 1861, the contributors being Cardinal New- man, O'Curry, John O'Hagan. and others. In 1870 Father Robert Kelly, S.J., founded the "Monitor", a small penny monthly, mainly as a temperance organ. Its success was so great that he issued it in an en- larged form as the "Illustrated Monitor" in 1873. Father Kelly died 15 June, 1876, but the pubHcation was continued by the publisher, Joseph Dollard. It steadily declined in 1877. and came to an abrupt end in 1878. In June, 1906, Mgr O'Riordan edited a really high-class quarterly, the "Seven Hills Maga- zine", published by DuiTy of Dublin, but it also ceased with the issue of September, 1908.
In regard to existing periodicals, there is no dis- tinctively Catholic daily paper in Ireland, but the "Freeman's Journal" is frankly Catholic in tone, and
gives prominence to Catholic toi)ics. As to the week-
liesMihcreisbutone, the "Irish Catholic", founded by
T. D. Sullivan in 18S8. Its first editor was Robert
Donovan (now professor in the National University),
who after five weeks was replaced by W. F. Dennchy
in August of the same year. It may be described as a
Conservative-National organ, supporting the Irish
hierarchy in their corporate decisions on all religious
and political matters. In 1890, at the time of the
Parnell "split", it loyally stood by the bishops. In
1891, the "Nation" was merged into the "Irish Cath-
olic" and in 1897 it became a daily. Though the
"Daily Nation" ceased in 1900, the "Irish Catholic"
continued as a weekly, with Mr. Dennehy as editor and
publisher. It remains unconnected with any of the
existing political parties, but is markedly opposed to
any union with British Liberalism and Radicalism.
The paper has a circulation throughout Great Britain,
America, and the colonies. Among monthlies the
" Irish Ecclesiastical Record " can claim premier place.
Founded in March, 1864, by Cardinal CuUcn, who
appointed Rev. Dr. Conroy and Rev. Dr. Moran as
editors, it was to be a link between Ireland and Rome,
and its policy was expressed in its motto: " Ut Chris-
tiani, ita et Romani sitis". In 1871, both of the
editors were raised to the episcopate, Dr. Conroy to
Ardagh, and Dr. Moran (now Cardinal Primate of
Australia) to Ossory. Dr. Verdon and Dr. Tynan
edited it for over four years, and Dr. Walsh took
charge of it for the last six months of 1876, when it
was allowed to lapse. A third series was started in
1880, with Dr. Carr (now Archbishop of Melbourne)
as editor, and published from Maynooth College. Dr.
Healy (now Archbishop of Tuam) was editor from
1883 to 1884, after whom came Dr. Browne (Bishop
of Cloyne), who worked zealously for ten years. In
1894, Rev. Canon Hogan became editor. A mere
glance at the twenty-nine volumes of the "Record" is
sufficient to vindicate its long existence, and the list
of contributors includes some of the greatest names in
theology, liturgy, canon law, Church history. Scrip-
ture, etc. The "Irish Monthly", founded in July,
1873, can boast the longest continuous existence of any
Irish Catholic magazine, and, moreover, it enjoys the
unique distinction of having had but one editor in
thirty-eight years, namely Rev. Matthew Russell,
S.J. It is not too much to say that Father Russell's
personality has been the secret of the popularity of
this magazine, and the list of contributors includes
Lady FuUerton, Sir C. Gavan Duffy, Judge O'Hagan,
Aubrey de Vere, D. F. MacCarthy, Rev. Dr. Russell,
Rev. Dr. O'Reilly, S.J., Rev. Ignatius Ryder, Father
Bridgett, C.SS.R., Mother Raphael Drane, Lady
Gilbert (Rose Mulholland), Rev. T. A. Finlay, S.J.,
Archbishop Healy, Rev. D. Bearne, S.J., and a host
of others. Among the writers discovered by the
"Irish Monthly" are': Oscar Wilde, "M. E. Francis",
Lady Gilbert, Katherine Tynan, Hilaire Belloc, Alice
Furlong, and Francis Wynne, author of "Whisper".
Intended for lay readers, it is always bright, readable,
and healthy. The "New Ireland Review", founded
March, 1894, is a purely hterary monthly, the suc-
cessor of the short-lived ' ' Lyceum ' ' , founded and edited
by Rev. T. A. Finlay, S.J., in 1890. Its contributors
included the most distinguished clerical and lay writ-
ers, and it continued as a powerful Catholic organ,
with special reference to history and economics —
under the able editorship of Father Finlay — until it
ceased with the February number, 1911. "The Irish
Rosary", founded in April, 1897, as a small magazine,
edited by the Irish Dominicans, was enlarged to
eighty pages in 1901, and its scope widened. Father Coleman, O. P., who became editor in 1903,
added a certain journalistic tone to it, thus making
it bright and up-to-date. The present editor is
Father Finnbar Ryan, O.P. Among its contributors
are many able Dominican writers, well-known laymen