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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/104

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Item the furst day of October the byshoppe of London was send for at after-none unto Lambythe, and ther the byshoppe of Cauntorbery dyschargyd[1] the sayd byshopp of London as moche as laye in hys powre; but marke what followeth.

Item the vij. day of October was proclaymyd the protector a traytor, with all hys helperes, and that day begane agayne the watch[2] at every gatt in London of the comeneres in harnes with weppyns.

Item the viij. day it was proclamyd opynly with the kynges shreffe and two harraldes and two pursevanttes and a trumpet, with the compyne sargant of the citte of London, thorrow alle London, and as fast as it myght be thorrow alle Ynglond.

Item the nexte day Cardmaker sayd in hys lector, thow he[3] had a falle he was not undone, and that men shuld not have ther purpos; and also he sayd that men wolde have up agayne ther popych masse; wher for, good masteres, stycke unto yt hade[4] he sayd.

Item the xiij. day of the same monyth was no sermond at the crosse.

Item the xiij. day at after-none was browth the traytor[5] from Wyndsor with a gret company of lorddes and gentylmen, and many horsys, with their men with weppyns, and came in at sent Gylles in the felde at hys desyre, for be cause he wolde not come by the place that he had begonne and pullyd downe dyvers churches and the clowster in Powlles to bylde yt with all, [and soo unto the tower of London with dyvers other prisoners,[6]] but almyghty God wolde not suffer yt for hys gret myscheffe as it shalle evydently follow by hys actes. And whane he came in Chepesyde he sayd opynly, that manny pepull harde hym, that he was as trewe a man to the kynge as anny there, evye prowdly.

Item the xvij. day the kynges grace came from the place in

  1. i.e. deposed.
  2. washe in MS.
  3. i.e. the duke of Somerset.
  4. So in MS.: q ? take unto it heed.
  5. The person so indignantly designated is the late Protector.
  6. These words are an insertion after the first writing.