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Sothewarke thorrow London, and soo to Whytt halle; and that nyght was the comyneres of London was dyscharged of ther waching at alle the gattes of London in harnes, and to wache no more but the comyne wache as a nyttes in every warde as it hath bene acostomyd before.

iij.o. Ao. This yere the vj. day of December was Bodylys wyffe the smythes w[ife at Long lane] ende in Smythfelde hongyd at Tyborne for the dystrowynge of [her chil] derne at Bartylmewtyde as it shoyth before.

Item the vij. [day of Ja]nuary [1550] was vj. men dystroyd at the makynge of the welle wythin the howse that was some tyme the Peter college[1] nexte the denes place in Powlles churche yarde.

Item of the great gentylnes that was shoyd unto the byshope of London Edmund Boner beynge prisoner in the Marchelse the viij. day of January of the knyght marchalle takynge away hys bedde, and soo that he had no more to lye in but straw and a coverlet for the space of viij. days, for because he wolde not geve the knyght marchall x li. or a gowne of that price.

Item the xix. day of the same monythe at ix. a clocke at nyght was kyllyd captyne Gambolde a valyant man a Spanyerd and another with hym, and dyvers of their servanttes hurte, of another captyne[2] of hys owne contry-men; and was tane the nexte day three more wyth hyme, and the xxij. day of the same monyth raynyd atte the yelde halle, and the xxiij. day they ware condemnyd, and the xxiiij. day they ware hongyd in the myddes of Smythfelde; and he that kyllyd captayne Gambolde, ther as the dede was done or even he went in-to Smythfelde, ther hys hond was smyttyne of, and after was hongyd wyth the resydew in Swythefelde.

Item the xxvij. day of the same monyth was draune from the tower of London un-to Tyborne iiij. person, and there hongyd and quarterd, and their quarteres sette abowte London on every gatte; these was of them that dyd ryse in the West cuntre.

  1. See the Additional Notes.
  2. "Degovara." (Side note.)