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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/95

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made chaunseler of Ynglond, and the lord Sent Jone that was lorde grandmaster gave it up.

Item the xvij. day of the same monythe at nyghte was pullyd downe the Rode in Powlles with Mary and John, with all the images in the churche, and too of the men that labord at yt was slayne and dyvers other sore hurtte. Item also at that same time was pullyd downe throrrow alle the kynges domynyon in every churche alle Roddes with alle images, and every precher preched in their sermons agayne alle images. Also the newyeresday after preched doctor[1] Latemer that some tyme was byshop of Wysseter preched at Powlles crosse, and too sondayes followyn, &c. Also this same tyme was moche spekyng agayne the sacrament of the auter, that some callyd it Jacke of the boxe, with divers other shamfulle names; and then was made a proclamacyon agayne shoche sayers, and it (sc. yet) bothe the prechers and other spake agayne it, and so contynewyd; and at Ester followyng there began the commonion, and confession but of thoys that wolde, as the boke dothe specifythe. And at this tyme was moche prechyng agayne the masse. And the sacrament of the auter pullyd downe in dyvers placys thorrow the realme. Item after Ester beganne the servis in Ynglyche [at Powles at the commandment of the dene at the tyme, William May,[2]] and also in dyvers other pariche churches. Item also at Wytsontyde beganne the sermons at sent Mary spyttylle. Item also this yere was Barkyng chappylle at the Towre hylle pullyd downe, and sent Martyns at the chambulles end, sent Nicolas in the chambulles, and sent Ewyns, and within the gatte of Newgate thoys[3] were put un to the churche that some tyme was the Gray Freres; and also Strand churche[4] also pullyd downe to make the protector duke of Somerset's place larger.

  1. This word is erased.
  2. These words are added in a sidenote.
  3. i.e. the inhabitants of St. Sepulchre's parish residing eastward of Newgate, as well as the parishioners of the two churches last named, were transferred to the new parish of Christ church.
  4. This was called the church of Saint Mary and the Holy Innocents. It was a parish church, and the parishioners were at first joined to those of St. Clement's Danes, and afterwards to the church of St. John the Baptist in the Savoy, until their own church was re-erected in the reign of queen Anne.