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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/96

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Item this yere was alle the chaunterys put downe.

Item also the wacche at mydsomer was begonne agayne, that was left from M. Dodmer[1] un to this tyme.

Item also the byshoppe of Wenchester at that tyme Stephyn Gardner preched before the kyng at sent James in the felde on sent Petter's day at afternone the wyche was then fryday, and on the morrow after was commytted unto the tower of London to warde.

Item the vij. day of July after there was a prest that came owte of Cornewalle drawne from the towre of London unto Smythefelde, and there was honged and heddyd and qwarterd for sleying of one Boddy[2] that was the kynges commyssyoner in that contry for chauntries.

Item, alle thoys prechers that prehyd at Powlles crosse at that tyme spake moche agayne the bysshoppe of Wynchester; and also Cardmaker,[3] that rede in Powlles iij. tymes a weke, had more or lesse of hyme.

Item this same yere was put downe alle goyng abrode of processyons, and the sensyng at Powlles at Wytsontyde, and the Skynners' processyon on Corpus Christi day, with alle others, and had none other but the Yngleche procession in their churches.

Item at this tyme was moche prechyng thorro alle Ynglonde agayne the sacrament of the auter, save only M. Laygton, and he preched in every place that he prechyd agayne them alle; and so was moche contraversy and moche besynes in Powlles every sonday, and syttyng in the churche, and of none that were honest persons, but boyes and persons of lyttylle reputacyon; and wolde have made m[oche] mor yf there had not a way a bene tane. And at the last the xxviij. [day] of December[4] followyng there was a proclamacyon that none of bothe partyes shulde preche un to soche tyme as the counselle has determyned soche thynges as they were in hond with alle: for as that tyme dyvers of the bysshoppes sat at Cherse abbe for dyvers matters of the kynge and the counselle.

  1. Ralph Dodmer was sheriff in 1524, the 16th Hen. VIII.
  2. William Body: see Strype, Memorials, ii. 91.
  3. John Cardmaker, vicar of St. Bride's, afterwards burnt in 1555.
  4. December, is erased, but the marginal correction is burnt away from the MS.