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Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 1 (1897).djvu/23

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  Foreign Trade 54
   Gold and Silver 55
General Felicity 56
Decline of Courage 56
——— of Genius 57
Degeneracy 58

Of the Constitution of the Roman Empire, in the Age of the Antonines

Idea of a Monarchy 59
Situation of Augustus 59
He reforms the Senate 60
Resigns his usurped Power 60
Is prevailed upon to resume it under the Title of Emperor or General 61
Power of the Roman Generals 62
Lieutenants of the Emperor 63
Division of the Provinces between the Emperor and the Senate 63
The former preserves his Military Commands, and Guards, in Rome itself 64
Consular and Tribunitian powers 64
Imperial Prerogatives 65
The Magistrates 66
The Senate 67
General Idea of the Imperial System 68
Court of the Emperors 68
Deification 68
Titles of Augustus and Cæsar 70
Character and Policy of Augustus 70
Image of Liberty for the People 71
Attempts of the Senate after the Death of Caligula 71
Image of Government for the Armies 72
Their Obedience 72
Designation of a Successor 73
Of Tiberius 73
Of Titus 73
The Race of the Cæsars, and Flavian Family 74
96 Adoption and Character of Trajan 74
117 Of Hadrian 75
Adoption of the elder and younger Verus 75
138-180 Adoption of the two Antonines 76
Character and Reign of Pius 76
————————— of Marcus 77
Happiness of the Romans 78
Its precarious Nature 78
Memory of Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, and Domitian 79
Peculiar Misery of the Romans under their Tyrants 79
Insensibility of the Orientals 79
Knowledge and free Spirit of the Romans 80
Extent of their Empire left them no Place of Refuge 81