La Chesnée, 281
Ladysmith, 786
Laguna, 112
Lainshaw, 631
Laira, 601
Lake, Dr., 324
Lambhay, 298
Lamerton, 222
Landor, Walter Savage, 329
Land's End, 570
Lanes, Devonshire, 303
Lang, Dorothy, 598
Lang, William, 594-599
— misdemeanours of, 594-598
Langdon, Anne, 171
Langford, 97
Langford, Margaret, 97
Langford, Moses, 97
Lanyon, Mr. Charles, 505
Lapthorn, Stephen, 694
Larkbeare, 630
Larpent, Francis Seymour, 663, 672
La Rochelle, 239
Las Rozas, 269
Launceston, 14, 210, 212, 302, 565, 570
Lawrence, Sir Thomas, 442
Le Catel, 641
Le Due, Viollet, 564
Lee, Mr. Henry, 422
Lee Moor, 60 1
Lega-Weekes, Ethel, 717
Legends and Superstitions connected with the Sacraments, 58
Leghorn, 165
Leicester House, 415
Leisure Hour, 608
Leith, 356
Le Keux, 575
Leman, Mr., 439
Lennard, Captain, 207
Lepanto, 271
Le Puy, 239
Lethbridge, 752
Letters of Nathan Hogg, 71
Levant, 35
Leverage, William, 698
Lew River, 212
Ley, 189
Lezant, 716
Lidstone, Mr. Thomas, 495
Life and Adventures of Captain John Avery, 375
Life and Death of Captain Thomas Stukeley, 273
Life and Surprising Adventures of James Wyatt, 122
Life and Times of Sir Peter Carew, Knight, 230
Lifton, 222
Lightfoot, Mr., 377
Lile, Matthew, 598
Lile, Prudence, 222
Lile, Robert, 597
Lilly, William, 203
Limehouse, 332
Limoges, 605
Lincoln, Ephraim, 699
Literary History of Barnstaple, 103
Little Horton, 68
"Little Jan," 515
Lloyd, Temperance, 274, 275, 276
Lock, Mrs., 133
Lockjaw cured, 765 767
London, 3, 4, 42, 51, 98, 169, 174,
191, 193, 200, 226. 249, 262,
269, 276, 279, 280, 285, 291, 302,
329, 350, 358, 366, 368, 375, 396,
401, 403, 408, 413, 425, 449, 462,
472, 483, 493, 499, 510, 514, 520,
548, 571, 572, 594, 596, 602, 609,
728, 732, 738, 742
Longabrook, 123
Lopes, Sir Manasseh, 189
Lord How, 614
Lorkin, Rev. T , 285 note
Lott, Susannah, 105
Lourdes miracles, 81
Lovell, Mrs., 96
Luck, Robert, 415
Lundy Island, 224, 225, 236, 285
— occupied by French, 233
— Mariscoes, 225, 228, 229
— Spanish, 232
— Turks, 231
— refuge of pirates, 231, 233
Lundy Island, a History of, 225 note Lustleigh, 124, 125, 127