Night her Blackest Sables Wore, The, 241
Nimmo, J. C., 734
Noake's Worcestershire Relics, 13
Norris, Mrs., 377
North, Lord, 630
North Bovey, 64, 65, 701, 716, 707
Northcote, Sir Henry, Bt. , 1
Northcote, Sir Stafford, 479, 616
Northcote, Mr., 462
Northcott, John, 187
North Devon Journal, 543
Northernhay, 79
Northesk, Lord, 360
North Lew, 371
North Tawton, 81, 251, 709, 714, 754, 755, 770
Northumberland, Earl of, 193, 194, 263, 264, 735
North Wyke, 709
— forcible possession taken of, 713
Norton, Sir Fletcher, 630
Nutt, Captain Robert, 231
Observations on the Present State of Music in London, 614, 615
Ockment, 540
Oddy, Mrs, 260
Odiorne, John, 677, 678, 680, 681, 691
Okehampton, 7, 59, 209, 210, 218, 570
Okery Bridge, 638
Old-a-Port, 619
Old Dartmoor Days, 544
"Old Dawty," 53
Old England for Ever, 478, 486
Old English Home, An, 74
Old Swinford, 392
Oliver, Mr. Francis, 8
Olver, Francis, 519
On and Off the Stage, 33
Opie, John, 566, 608, 741, 752
Orne, William B., 689
Orpheus Caledonicus, 241
O. T. D., 48
Otter, 322
Ovid, 244
Owen, Mr. Robert, 725
Oxenford, John, 325
Oxenham family, the, 249–254, 257–261
— fictitious members of, 250, 252
Oxenham, Miss Anne, 260
Oxenham, Rev. Henry Nutcombe, 258
Oxford, 13, 123, 202, 203, 324, 372, 448, 547, 612, 726
Oxford, Lady, 735
Packsaddle Bridge, 710
Paganel, Sir William de, 62
Page, Eulalia, 95–106
— executed, 96
— omitted from pedigree, 97
— privy to her husband's death, 100
Page, Mr., 95, 98
— strangled, 96, 99
Painsford, 371
Palk, Captain John, 700-708
— exacts obedience, 703
— buys Vitifer mine, 702
Palk, Governor, 447
Palk, Mr., 20
Palk, Sir Lawrence, 20, 479, 482, 483
Palk, Sir Robert, 479
Palladio, 575
Palma, 108
Palmer, Roundell, 756
Papin, Denis, 489, 492, 496, 497, 499
Paris, 281, 434, 499, 616, 641
Paris, Matthew, 227
Parker, "Admiral" Richard, 355-368
— executed, 363
— is ringleader of mutiny, 356, 361
— his wife's distress, 363
Parker, Edmund, 713
Parker, John C., 367
Parkins, Sir Thomas, 516, 517, 524
Parnel, 334
Pasley, Sir Thomas, 361
Passaford, 540
Passports for heaven, 392
Pastorals, 447
Patch, Claude, 430
Payne, 34