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Malachy O'Morgair

of Barlings, or Oxeney, in Lincolnshire, one of the greater abbeys, having a revenue of more than two hundred pounds a year (cf. Gairdner, Letters and Papers Henry VIII, ix. 1090). There is no evidence that he acknowledged the royal supremacy, but the authorities cannot have thought him over-conservative, or he would not have been appointed suffragan bishop of Lincoln (to John Longland [q. v.]) in 1535, with the title of Bishop of Chalcedon. In the Lincolnshire rebellion of 1536 he took a leading part. According to his own account (ib. xi. 805, xii. passim), he was compelled by the leaders to give the rebels food. But the story of his appearance in full armour is probably an error (cf. Froude, Hist. of Engl. iii. 105; Gasquet, Henry VIII and the Engl. Monasteries, ii. 75). The abbot probably approved of the rebels' demands for the restoration of the dissolved monasteries. All was over by 13 Oct., and the abbot was taken prisoner, examined in Lincoln and afterwards in London, and executed at Tyburn 27 March 1536–7. He seems to have given away property belonging to his abbey, some of which Sir William Parre ‘bulted forth’ from the ‘five or six simple men’ who held it.

Makkarell is said to have published:

  1. ‘Sermones in Evangelia Dominicalia per Odonem Cancellarium Parisiensem,’ Paris, 1520, 4to.
  2. ‘Sermones Dominicales.’ But neither of these works is in the British Museum.

[Authorities quoted; Cooper's Athenæ Cantabr. i. 61, 531; Dugdale's Monasticon, vi. 915; App. ii. 3rd Rep. Dep.-Keeper of Public Records; State Papers Henry VIII, i. 463 sqq.; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.-Hib.]

MAKYN, DAVID (d. 1588?), Scottish writer. [See Mackenzie, Dugal.]

MALACHY I (d. 863), king of Ireland. [See Maelsechlainn I.]

MACHACHY MOR (949–1022), king of Ireland. [See Maelsechlainn II.]

MALACHY of Ireland (fl. 1310), Franciscan, is said by Wadding to have been B.D. of Oxford, and to have rebuked king Edward II to his face in his sermons. A book in sixteen chapters, called ‘Libellus septem peccatorum mortalium,’ or ‘Tractatus de Veneno,’ was printed at Paris in 1518 under his name. Of eight manuscripts of this work, two are anonymous, five are ascribed to Grostete, and one only to Malachy; but the mention of St. Francis, and the frequent references to Irish history and affairs, prove it to have been written by an Irish Franciscan. The treatise was intended ‘for the instruction of simple men who have to teach the people,’ and is chiefly remarkable for its denunciation of the government of Ireland at the time.

[Wadding's Annales Minorum, vol. vi.; Sbaralea's Supplementum ad Scriptores, p. 507; Brit. Museum, MS. Cotton Vitell. c. xiv. f. 57–65; Bale, De Script. Brit.; Ware, De Script. Hibern. p. 65.]

MALACHY MACAEDH (d. 1348), archbishop of Tuam, was a canon of Elphin, and in 1307 was elected bishop of that see by one party of the canons, the remainder choosing Liathanach O'Conchobhair, abbot of Loch Cé, who obtained possession of the bishopric. But Malachy was supported by the metropolitan, William Bermingham [q. v.], archbishop of Tuam; he therefore went to Rome, where after three years the pope decided in his favour, and on 22 June 1310 he received consecration; the papal decision was confirmed by the king on 7 Dec. 1310. In 1312 Malachy was elected archbishop of Tuam; the king issued a commendatory letter to the pope on 24 Aug., and on 19 Dec. he received consecration. The temporalities were restored on 1 April 1313. Malachy, pursuing the policy of his predecessors, endeavoured to drive out Gilbert, bishop of Ennachdune or Annaghdown, Galway (cf. Fœdera, ii. 45), and in 1324 sought the aid of Pope John XXII, who issued a bull three years later, uniting not only Annaghdown, but also Killala and Kilmacduagh to Tuam. Edward III opposed the proposal, but on a vacancy to Annaghdown in 1330 the bull took effect so far as that see was concerned. Malachy died 10 Aug. 1348, and was buried in Tuam Cathedral. According to Tanner, he wrote in Irish a list of the kings of Ireland from Nellus Nigaialach to Roderic O'Connor. He has often been confused with Malachy (fl. 1310) [q. v.], the Franciscan, but the archbishop was clearly a secular priest, and not a friar. MacAedh means MacHugh, and is identical with the later Magee.

[Annals of Loch Cé (Rolls Ser.); Four Masters, ed. Donovan; Ware's Works, ed. Harris; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.-Hib. p. 502; Cotton's Fasti Eccl. Hib. iv. 7–8, 54, 121; Chevalier's Repertoire des Sources historiques du Moyen Age; Burke's Catholic Archbishops of Tuam, pp. 39–44.]

MALACHY O'MORGAIR, Saint (in Irish, Maelmaedhoig Ua Morgair) (1094?–1148), archbishop of Armagh, was born, probably in Armagh (‘ipsa est in qua alitus est Malachias,’ St. Bernard says, Vita, cap. ii.