- 田châng8981020
- A field; watered ground.
- co̤h châng;
- till the soil.
- co̤h châng-hn̂g kâi nâng;
- a farmer.
- nîe châng;
- land that is subject to taxation.
- cieh châng;
- the field itself.
- châng co;
- the rent of a field.
- cĭang châng;
- to measure a field.
- châng-súaⁿ;
- real estate.
- kong châng;
- fields owned in common.
- cṳ châng;
- fields whose rent is given to descendants that take a literary degree.
- cêk bó châng ŵn jîeh cōi nîe?
- What is the amount of the taxes on one acre of rice-field?
- châng ke;
- agriculturalists.
- châng thâu, châng búe;
- the two ends of a rice-field.
- châng kau;
- the ditch which drains a field.
- châng cúi;
- the water which irrigates a field.
- lṳ́ hak jîeh cōi bó châng?
- How much watered land do you own?
- châng cú;
- the owner of the field.
- châng cú-nîe;
- the woman who owns the field.
- châng cú tia;
- the old man who owns the field.
- pōiⁿ châng;
- to prepare a field for planting.
- lôi châng;
- plough a field.
- sái châng;
- guide an ox in ploughing afield.
- èng châng;
- fertilize a field.
- phuah châng;
- put liquid fertilizers on a field.
- tâh cúi kẁn châng;
- to irrigate a field by treading a chain pump.
- cí khut cúi kùaⁿ jîeh cōi bó châng?
- How many fields does this pit supply with water?
- pê châng;
- harrow a field.
- lô̤h châng;
- go a-field.
- pó châng;
- plant rice.
- châng-hn̂g bw̄n kẃn;
- an immense estate.
- châng lîo;
- a hut in a field.
- sĭang châng, tong châng, hĭa châng;
- the most elevated, the middle, and the lowest terrace.
- kûiⁿ châng, kĕ châng;
- high lying and low lying fields.
- châng kài;
- the boundary of a field.
- châng khòi;
- the deed of a field.
- châng piⁿ châng, chù piⁿ chù;
- neighbors in field and in dwelling.
- châng khì; châng ke-húe;
- farming implements.
- co̤h châng bô̤ sai-pĕ, cí àiⁿ pûi-pùn ngĕ;
- you need not be a master workman in order to till a field, you merely require diligence in putting in manure.
- bô̤ pûi-pùn hó̤ lô̤h châng;
- there is no manure for the land.
- cí kò̤ châng sì lô̤h tāu-kho hó̤ a sĭ lô̤h tṳ-kut hó̤?
- Which is the best fertilizer for this field, bean-cake or bone-dust?
- châng ŭ îah, tîeh méⁿ-méⁿ chiⁿ hun kut;
- there are grubs in the soil, and tobacco stalks must be put in at once.
- kût châng-thô-phûeh;
- dig up a field.
- puaⁿ châng;
- carry off the sand that the tide has deposited on a field.
- líu châng thô;
- take the soil from a field.
- sûn châng;
- to go and look after a field.
- cò̤-pû lâi khṳ̀ thóiⁿ châng;
- go together to look after the rice-plot.
- châng tong;
- a real estate agent.
- châng kè;
- the price of a field.
- kio nâng tóiⁿ kò̤ châng;
- mortgaged a field to some one.
- tǹg kò̤ châng;
- give a
field in pledge.
- chíu châng; sok tńg châng;
- to redeem a field that has been mortgaged.
- pà-cìam nâng kâi châng;
- to usurp a field.
- i àiⁿ âⁿ úa kâi châng cĭu sĭ;
- he wishes to get unlawful possession of my field, that is it.
- kṳ̆ châng co;
- made away with the share of produce due for the use of the field.
- châng chek, cîah pn̄g kâi nâng;
- a city man who owns a farm.
- châng-kíaⁿ; châng-tŏiⁿ;
- tenants on land.
- ngĭ châng;
- fields whose rent is used for benevolent objects.
- co̤h châng-hn̂g hùe pài ngŏ-kak-cú;
- farmers worship the god of grain.
- chang-hái pìⁿ-cò̤ sng-châng;
- the sea transformed into land.
- tŏiⁿ nâng kâi châng lâi co̤h;
- take a field to work on shares.
- úa kâi châng àiⁿ cie tŏiⁿ nía keⁿ;
- I wish to let out my fields to be worked on shares.
- châng khàm;
- terraced fields.
- châng kîⁿ;
- the edge of a field.
- 藏châng95014014
- To hide away; to conceal.
- ṳ́n-châng;
- to conceal.
- châng tŏ̤ tī-kò̤, mē?
- Where is he concealed?
- khṳt i châng-nêk khṳ̀;
- it was hidden away by him.
- châng kang cak tái;
- harbours evil thoughts.
- cí kâi tŏ̤-lí chim-châng căi;
- this doctrine is very abstruse.
- pau-châng cōi-cōi ì-sṳ̀ tŏ̤ lăi;
- there is deep meaning in it.
- pau-châng tŏ̤ tó lăi, bô̤ tàⁿ chut lâi;
- ponders it in his mind, and says nothing about it.
- ke châng kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
- family treasures; heirlooms laid up.
- ía îong hùe îm, bw̆n châng hùe tău;
- beauty awakens lust, and careless usage of valuables tempts thieves.
- tó lăi châng to̤ châng kìam;
- treacherous.
- châng kàu miⁿ-miⁿ, chūe m̄ tîeh;
- closely concealed so that it could not be found.
- châng tŏ̤ hṳ́ tói;
- hidden away inside.
- o̤-châng m̄-hó̤ nâng;
- harbours evil doers.
- ŭ nâng káⁿ o̤-châng i kâi, kio i tâng cŭe;
- those who harbour him, are equally guilty with him.
- cí kâi nâng thau-khîeh lío, méⁿ-méⁿ châng-pàng hṳ́ kâi nâng kâi sin tèng;
- this one steals it and immediately conceals it on the person of the other.
- 殘châng947788
- To injure; to mangle; to spoil.
- châng-hāi lîang-mîn;
- injure the innocent.
- châng-jím;
- cruel.
- châng-châk;
- to oppress.
- màiⁿ khṳ̀ châng-châk i;
- do not go and wrong him.
- sīn kâi châng piaⁿ;
- the remnant of the slain troops.
- chíu cok siang châng; fraternal strifes, i cṳ̄ siang châng tâh;
- they themselves destroy each other by trampling each other down.
- hue châng lío;
- the flower has faded.
- pit ēng khṳ̀ châng lío;
- the pen is worn out.