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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/439

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • pâi649918
  • A shield, a buckler; a sign-board; a notification from government; a tablet, a memorandum; a warrant; a credential; a writ; a token; an official permit of any kind; dominoes; cards; a flat piece of iron struck to announce meals in temples.
àiⁿ kàu tī-kò̤ cū soiⁿ hwt húe-pâi;
they send an express ahead, to whatever place they are going.
a rattan shield.
tìn-tang sāi kò̤ pâi-ūi;
an ancestral tablet was set up in the midst.
ŭ pâi ŭ phìe cìaⁿ káⁿ lîah nâng;
having a warrant on wood or one on paper, he dare arrest people.
cêk hù cúa-pâi;
a pack of playing cards.
i tó̤ phah cúa-pâi;
they are playing cards.
thàng mêⁿ phah pâi;
play cards all night.
chíaⁿ cûn-pâi, cìaⁿ hó̤ chut káng;
ask for a port clearance, then you can leave the harbour.
kàu káng īu tîeh kío cûn-pâi;
on entering port the ship’s papers must again be delivered to the proper authorities.
sāi kò̤ cîeh-pâi;
set up a stone tablet.
pâi huang;
an honorary tablet.
chîo-thêng íⁿ-keng cún i kĭen pâi-huang seng pío i;
the government has already given them permission to set up a tablet in his honor.
a badge worn at the waist, (like that of a policeman).
flat car-rings.
a silver medal.
kùa kò̤ hóⁿ-thâu pâi;
suspend a tablet having a tiger’s head painted on it.
cang pâ lâi tói;
ward off with a shield.
i tó̤ phah kui-pâi;
he is playing dominoes.
khṳ̀ tău kò̤ chíaⁿ pâi;
go to the Intendent of Circuit and request an official permit.
kîaⁿ pâi kak sôk;
sent orders to all his subordinates.
khîa kò̤ tōa cîeh pâi;
erect a stone slab.
pâi pín;
a votive tablet.
lêng-pâi; sìaⁿ-cí-pâi;
the Emperor's tablet, worshipped in temples.
  • pâi649648
  • To place properly; to make a show with; to set out in a regular order; to range in a line; a row} a line.
cŏ̤ cò̤ cêk pâi;
sit in a row.
huaⁿ-hí kio nâng pâi lāng kói hun;
is glad to explain the misunderstanding.
pâi-hâng tŏiⁿ kúi?
Which row is it?
naⁿ pâi kàu hó̤-hó̤;
range them nicely.
bói cho̤h pâi-kut lâi chá;
buy some spare-rib and grill it.
thóiⁿ i pâi sĭm-mih tīn-sì chut lâi;
see how much parade they make.
pâi chîang;
set forth for display.
seⁿ lâi pâi-chîang;
is very showily arrayed.
  • pâi701512
  • Ordinarily; common; usual.
i pâi jît tī-tîang-sî lâi?
At what time of the day does he generally come?
i pâi jît to jît-tàu cìaⁿ kàu;
he usually comes about noon.
pâi nî to bô̤ cía kui-kṳ́;
there has in years past been no such usage.
pâi-sî īa sĭ cìeⁿ-se;
that is the way it always is.
tek pâi;
bamboo raft.
a raft of pine logs.
ká cò̤ sam-pâi;
tie them together to form a raft,
cúi tōa, sam-pâi tn̆g khṳ̀;
the water was swift, and the raft broke up.
theⁿ sam-pâi;
to pole a raft along.
  • pāi648667
  • To subvert; to destroy; to nulify; to ruin; to violate; discomfited; a rout.
i kâi ke-ngîap íⁿ-keng phùa-pāi;
his patrimony is already spent.
thiⁿ-ĕ bô̤ put pāi cṳ ke, bô put phùa cṳ kok;
in all the world, there has been no house that has not decayed, and no kingdom that has not come to an end.
cìen pāi;
defeated in battle.
cìen pāi, cáu-tńg lâi;
was worsted in the fight, and ran away.
cêk pôiⁿ cìen pāi, cêk pôiⁿ cìen îaⁿ;
one side suffers defeat, and the other side gains a victory.
cṳ̆-lâi m̄ pat phah pāi cĭang;
has never experienced a defeat in arms.
màiⁿ pāi i kâi mîaⁿ-sek;
do not mar his reputation.
siu-sîp pāi-châng kâi kun-bé;
reorganize the routed troops.
i kâi sṳ̄ pāi lío;
his affair has come to an unsuccessful issue.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ m̄ káⁿ pāi tîeh mn̂g-huang;
his conduct shows care not to disgrace the family name.
sieⁿ hong, pāi sôk kâi sṳ̄;
what corrupts the public morals.
pāi-húai tîeh;
spoiled; ruined.
sèng pāi sĭ piaⁿ-ke kâi sîeⁿ sṳ̄;
victory and defeat is the constant experience of soldiers.


  • pak12136
  • A string of.
kùa cêk pak chîo-cu;
wore a string of beads, indicating official rank.
cêk pak sù cu;
a string of plain beads.
cêk pak hieⁿ cu;
a string of amulets.
  • pak708188
  • To flay; to peel off; to fleece.
pak tīo i kâi phûe;
skin it.
cûa pak khak;
the cast skin of a serpent.
côih lō chíeⁿ pak;
waylay and strip.
ngŏ̤ tîeh châk khṳt i pak kàu theh-theh;
fell among thieves, and was stripped stark naked by them.
saⁿ khò lóng-cóng khṳt i pak khṳ̀;
his clothes were all stripped off by them.
hía lău-pak-phûe kâi ūe, màiⁿ thiaⁿ i;
he is an old skin-flint, pay no heed to him.
thâi lío pak tīo phûe;
kill and flay.
  • pak709213
  • North; northern; northwards.
pak pôiⁿ;
at the north.
pak hng;
northern regions.
pah mn̂g;
the north gate.
pak kháu gūa;
beyond the wall.
pak kêk;
the north pole.
cŏ̤ lâm hìang pak;
faces the north.
i kâi cûn khṳ̀ cĭeⁿ pak;
their vessel has gone northwards.
pak hái;
the northern ocean.
i tó̤ bōi