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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/440

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

pak-thâu hùe;

he sells northern goods.
the Great Dipper.
lâm pak hâng;
warehouses in which both northern and southern goods are kept.
tùi pak lō khṳ̀;
went by the northern route.
  • pak1511309
  • That which envelopes the viscera; the belly or abdomen; the seat of the mind.
tó-pak m̄-hó̤;
the stomach out of order.
síe pak kâi tī-hng;
the abdomen.
cía sĭ i kâi sim-pak nâng;
this is his bosom friend.
jîak hui sim-pak nâng, bô tàⁿ sim-pak ūe;
if he were not a bosom friend, I should not speak my inmost thoughts to him.
ŭ kâi jŭi pak kíaⁿ;
has a posthumous son.
cí pak ṳ̂i hun;
betroth before birth.
khîa ki to̤, lâi khui pak;
took a knife and opened the carcass.
bói cêk hù ah pak lăi, lâi chá;
buy the contents of a duck’s carcass and grill them.
i kâi pak lăi châng to̤ châng kìam;
he hides treachery in his bosom.
  • pak150509
  • A scroll; a strip; a classifier of scrolls.
tîo pak;
a scroll.
sì pak thâu;
a set of four scrolls.
tong pak;
the central scroll.
khṳ̀ bói kúi pak jī ūe lâi tìo;
go and buy some scrolls with letters and pictures on them, and hang them up.
cí nŏ̤ pak ūe kauh khí, lêng-ūaⁿ khîeh nŏ̤ pak jī lâi tìo;
roll up and put away these two drawings, and take two of the written scrolls to hang up instead.
huang chue lîh cêk tōa pak;
one large scroll has been torn by the wind.
cí cêk pak pò jîeh tn̂g?
What is the length of this piece of cloth?
cía ío khuah pak, hía ío ôih pak;
this is the wider piece, and that the narrower.
nŏ̤ pak tùi-lîn;
two scrolls that match.
cí kâi phŭe-toaⁿ àiⁿ cò̤ cò̤ kúi pak?
How many breadths do you wish to have put into this quilt cover?
  • pak9141307
  • To take off; to cast off; to lay aside; to strip off; to undress.
pak tīo bō̤;
take off the hat.
pak tīo ôi;
take off the shoes.
thong sin khṳt i pak kàu theh-theh;
he was stripped stark naked by them.
pak-chiah kha;
half naked.
  • pâk14112010
  • To bind, to tie, to fasten.
khún pâk;
to bind up securely.
lîah i lâi pâk pàng thĭo kò̤;
seize him and tie him to a pillar.
cò̤ sṳ̄ pâk kha pâk chíu;
doing things under difficulties.
bô̤ nâng péⁿ, bô̤ nâng pâk;
no one thwarts or hampers him.
tîeh pâk kín-kín;
must tie it
pâk m̄ kín;
not tightly bound.
pâk khùaⁿ cē;
tie it more loosely.
ŭ pâk ie-tŏ a bô̤?
Have you your cloth wallet on?
pâk kûn;
put on a petticoat.
pâk ie-tòa;
wear a girdle.
pâk cò̤ cêk kîu;
do them up in a bunch.
pâk cò̤ cêk pé;
bind them in one sheaf.


  • 度數pang-bó̤917
  • A certain time, period, distance, or quantity; a fixed amount; a limit or bound.
cí-hûe ŭ jîeh ùaⁿ kâi pang-bô̤?
About how late is it just now?
iak kâi pang-bó̤ ēng jîeh cōi?
About how much will be required?
màiⁿ bô̤ pang bô̤ bó̤;
keep yourself within bounds.
ûa cò̤ sṳ̄ to ŭ kâi pang-bó̤;
in whatever I do, I keep within certain limits.
i bô̤ pang-bó̤ căi;
he goes altogether beyond bounds.
kàu lâk phò lō kâi pang-bó̤;
not far from six leagues.
ŭ cêk choiⁿ ngṳ̂n kâi pang-bó̤ cū khí tit lâi;
it will take not far from a thousand dollars to build it.
  • pang659468
  • The fall of a mountain; to fall from a high position into disgrace; to loosen and fall; an emperor’s death.
suaⁿ pang, tī hām;
the mountain rushes to its fall; the state is ruined.
soiⁿ tì kèng-pang kâi sî-hāu, cò̤-nî hun-hù?
What were the orders given by the former emperor at the time of his death?
hueh pang; hueh suaⁿ pang;
hemorage of the womb.
pang-pang tŭi-tŭi;
fall in ruins.
khṳt náng kâi kun cē chong, hía châk-cheⁿ pang;
as soon as our troops rushed forward, the rebels gave way.
chîeⁿ pang khṳ̀;
the wall has fallen.
hṳ́ koiⁿ chù pang-pang thâp-thâp;
that house has fallen in.
céⁿ pang-hām;
the sides of the well have caved in.
khí cù lío pang cêk pôiⁿ chut lâi;
the tooth having decayed, a part of it broke off.
  • pang650966
  • To place in a series; a rank order, grade, or class of persons; a set; a troop; turn; a classifier of theatres.
nâng cêk pang cêk pang tùi cí kò̤ kùe;
the people went by here in troops.
to sĭ hṳ́ pang nâng;
they are all people of that class.
i sĭ hì pang kâi nâng;
they are people who belong to a theatrical company.
cí pang hì tī-tîang kío kâi?
Who is the manager of this theatrical company?
i kiu-nî kùe pang lío;
he has this year joined another company of actors.
lău pang tói;
the old company.
hṳ́ hùaⁿ nâng lûn pang sie thòi;
they are divided into sets of men that take turns and spell each other.
cĭeⁿ pang, lô̤h pang;
to take up or lay down