the work done by relays of men.
- i tó̤ tng chîang pang;
- he belongs to the relay which is always on duty; it is in constant use.
- che-hîah hun cò̤ saⁿ pang, cău pang, càng pang, khùai pang, kak pang kak pang kâi ceh-jĭm;
- the constables of the yamun are divided into three sets, the torturers, the thief-takers, and the messengers, and each set has its own special duties.
- bûn bú kuaⁿ to lâi càng pang;
- the civil and military officers come and stand each in his place according to rank.
- pang sṳ tńg-lâi;
- return with troops after a victory.
- pâi pang;
- arrange in order, giving each his place.
- 㿀pang65010411
- Blotches; discolored spots, such as appear before small pox breaks out.
- chut pang;
- the blotches have appeared.
- îang pang, im pang;
- the blotches have come out well, or have not come out well.
- thie pang;
- probe the incipient pustules.
- 方pang132700
- Angular; rectangular.
- sì pang; sì-sì pang-pang;
- square.
- cí kò̤ tī cêk tn̆g sì-pang, thūn jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
- How much did it cost per hundred square feet for filling in this piece of land?
- lṳ́ àiⁿ pang kâi a àiⁿ îⁿ kâi?
- Do you want an angular or a round one?
- cò̤ sṳ̄ màiⁿ ngĕ pang-pang;
- do not be exacting in your dealings.
- i cò̤ sṳ̄ khah pang;
- he is too exacting.
- 板pang651754
- Boards; planks; slabs.
- cêk kò̤ pang;
- a board.
- nŏ̤ pang-tîo;
- two boards joined.
- kè kò̤ pang-tîo;
- make a scaffolding to stand on.
- kîaⁿ pang kîe;
- go across on a board laid down to serve as a bridge.
- lâu-pang;
- floor boards.
- pho pang;
- moveable bed-boards.
- mîn-chn̂g pang;
- the slats of a bed-stead.
- bwn-thien-pang;
- ceiling.
- 玦pang447964
- A broken ring, once used to indicate disrupted friendship; an archer’s thimble.
- pang-cí;
- a thumb-ring.
- kùa kâi gêk pang-cí;
- wore a jade ring on his thumb.
- bô̤ kùa pang-cí cò̤-nî khui keng nē?
- Without his thimble how could he draw his bow.
- 梆pang656757
- A wooden cylinder suspended in a yamun or temple, and sounded to attract notice.
- hwt pang;
- to sound the drum.
- cí hûe cìaⁿ hwt thâu pang, hŵn būe ŭ jī pang;
- they just now sounded the drum for the first time, the second drum has not yet sounded.
- táng kàu
saⁿ pang ău cìaⁿ chut pńg;
- wait till after the third sounding of the drum, then the lists of successful candidates will be placarded.
- 頒pang6511814
- To publish, confer, or distribute, as the Emperor does.
- pang-sṳ̀ mûeh-kĭaⁿ khṳt tăi chîn hùe;
- bestowed something upon his chief courtiers.
- pang kîaⁿ thiⁿ ĕ;
- publish throughout the world.
- pang kîaⁿ n̂g-tîn;
- issue a manifesto.
- pang kàu kak séⁿ;
- send it to all the provinces.
- 駢pang6901876
- Joined; a connection between things naturally separate.
- cí ciah bé sĭ hó̤ bé, i kâi phiaⁿ-lî kut sĭ cn̂g pang kâi, m̄ sĭ cêk ki cêk ki;
- this is a good horse, his ribs are joined closely together, and are not separately prominent.
- kàu pang; cn̂g pang;
- joined in one; united without interstice.
- 帮pang657507
- A classifier of fleets, guilds, and classes; to shore up a thing; to succor, to aid, to defend.
- hàm kâi nâng lâi sie-pang;
- ask some one to come and lend a helping hand.
- lṳ́ hó̤ khṳ̀ pang-cŏ̤ i;
- you should go to his assistance.
- pang-tòa-kuaⁿ;
- a lieutenant.
- cêk pang cûn;
- a fleet or squadron.
- 楓pang156759
- The maple, and some other trees.
- pang-hieⁿ;
- the gum of the liquid-amber, said to turn into amber.
- tōa pang cí;
- lucrabau, brought from Siam, as a remedy for leprosy and itch.
- pang-khoi hûi;
- earthenware made at Pang Khoi near Chau-chau-fu.
- 部pang7141638
- A classifier of sets of books.
- cêk pang cṳ;
- one work in several volumes.
- i hak ŭ kúi pang tōa pang cṳ;
- he has become the owner of several extensive works, each in several volumes.
- cí pang cṳ câp-jī pńg;
- this work consists of twelve volumes.
- 邦pang6561684
- A region; a country.
- gūa pang;
- a region beyond the frontier.
- lîn pang;
- contiguous states.
- 榜páng6577510
- A list of successful candidates.
- kim páng tôi mîaⁿ;
- an official list of successful candidates for the degrees of kṳ́-jîn and cìn-sṳ̆;
- úa kio i tâng páng kâi;
- I took my degree at the same examination as he.
- to sĭ líang páng chut sin;
- they are all from among those who have taken literary degrees.
- lêng hóⁿ páng;
- scholars who take degrees.
- kháu páng síu;
- the one at the head of the lists, after an examination.