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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
li phah sí m̄ khéng cio;
one party owned it on being beaten, the other party would not own it though beaten to death.
cio-îo cŭang-phìen;
to beguile.
mín mn̄g cṳ̆ cio;
confessed it unquestioned.
cio châi îa;
the god of weath.
cio-kè m̄ cŭ;
unequal to resist.
to wait upon.
khut phah sêng cio;
criminate one's self falsely because of being beaten.
  • cio97013012
  • Imaginary organs or passages which are supposed to encircle the cavities of the thorax and abdomen, and connect the viscera. Chinese physiologists have used them as a convenient force to explain the obscure operations of digestion and secretion, and say they have no form.
cīeⁿ cio, tong cio, ĕ cio, kìe-cò̤ sam cio;
the upper, middle, and lower portions of the body between the heart and the groin, are thus called.
  • cio32748
  • Suddenly; early; morning.
cêk cio;
in a trice.
cêk cio cē pù-kùi;
grew suddenly rich.
to-morrow morning; by and by.
a-nôⁿ sam cio sói-êk;
infants are bathed on the third day.
  • cio31725
  • Luminous; to show forth.
cèng mâk cio-cio;
every eye beheld it.
thiⁿ lí cio ciang;
heaven's laws are evident.
cio kun thàu; cio kun ûi;
a fillet worn by Chinese women.
  • cio9717512
  • To cut fuel.
a woodman.
sì pak ūe, ūe cò̤ hṳ̂, cio, keⁿ, mok;
paint four scrolls representing a fisherman, a woodcutter, a plowman, and a shepherd.
  • cio970868
  • Browned; singed; scorched.
chá cio;
fried brown.
chá kàu cio-cio;
fried very brown.
sim cio;
greatly distressed.
chùi cio-chàu;
the mouth parched.
âu-lêng cio-chàu;
the throat hot and dry.
lṳ́ màiⁿ cio-chàu;
do not be vexed.
sim lăi cio-chàu;
anxious and worried.
cío bó̤, cío kak, cío kíaⁿ;
the mother bird, the male bird, and the birdlings.
a dove.
a magpie.
mûaⁿ-ciah cío;
a sparrow.
kŭ-ku cío;
the wood pigeon.
teng-hieⁿ cío;
the clove bird.
phû-îong cío;
a canary.
ngio-thâu cío;
an owl.
hṳ̂-tèng cío;
lĭo-eng-pô̤ cío;
līo-ko̤ cío;
a minor, a small black bird that can be taught to talk.
pue cío;
khîm cío;
the feathered tribes.
cío tàu;
a bird's nest.
a bird cage.
chī cío;
to keep birds.
i chī ciah phû-îong cío;
she keeps a canary.
phah cío;
to shoot birds; to fight birds.
phah pue cío;
to shoot a bird on the wing.
to̤h cío khùe;
fortunes told by trained birds.
a stool-pigeon.
lô̤h cío kuang kà cío;
to train birds in a bird pen.
cío hiah tŏ̤ hṳ́-kò̤;
birds perch there.
cío tó̤ phîah sît;
the bird is flapping his wings.
cío tó̤ phêh;
the bird is soaring.
cío kâⁿ ki chīu ki;
the bird has a twig in its bill.
cío tó̤ to̤h sĭm-mûeh?
What is the bird pecking at?
cío tó̤ pū kíaⁿ;
the bird is covering its young.
thi cío;
to catch birds with bird lime.
cío gṳ́;
incoherent chatter.
cío tó̤ cĭ i kâi mô̤ⁿ;
the bird is oiling its feathers.
  • cìo35869
  • To regard; to care for.
to regard; to patronize; to look after.
cìo-kù m̄ kàu;
did not take sufficient care of her.
to oversee.
cìo cṳ;
go according to the written directions.
m̄ cìo cṳ;
go contrary to the book.
chŵn m̄ cìo cṳ;
wholly unprecedented.
  • cìo351495
  • To announce.
cìo kàu thiⁿ ĕ;
proclaim throughout the earth.
hŏng cìo;
received the announcement.
hâng-lîm īⁿ thăi cìo;
an officer in the National Academy.
  • 皂隷cío-lĭ524
  • Lictors; criers in a cortege; underlings; official attendants; runners, who accompany the retinue of an official.
sang pôiⁿ kâi cío-lĭ îa;
the attendant images standing on either side of an idol.
  • cīo661615
  • Ardent; earnest; vehement.
cí hûe tó lăi cīo-cīo-kìe, bŏi khṳ̀ lí pât sṳ̄;
am now full of this affair, and cannot go and attend to any thing else.
sim cīo-cīo-kìe, bŏi tit cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ méⁿ-méⁿ lí kàu sêng;
have my mind engrossed in it, and am eager to bring this matter to a speedy consummation.


  • cioh9971723
  • Small birds.
cioh mêⁿ;
unable to see after nightfall, a condition which is supposed to cause the birds to go to roost at dark.
night blindness.
cioh-mêⁿ, kàu jît-cē àm cū cn̂g kâi thóiⁿ m̄ kìⁿ;
those who are night blind are unable to see at all after dark.