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Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/118

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Tinder boxes with Steele, flint, and matches, and tinder, the matches to bee made of Gineper, to auoide the offence of brimstone.

To trie and to make the better sale of Brimstone by shewing the vse.

Candles of waxe to light.

A painted Bellowes.

For that perhaps they haue not the vse of them.

A pot of cast yron.

To trie the sale, for that it is a naturall commoditie of this Realme.

All maner of edge tooles.

To bee sold there or to the lesse ciuill people by the way where you shall twich.

What I woulde haue you there to remember.

To note specially what excellent dying they vse in these regions, and therefore to note their garments, & ornaments of houses: and to see their die houses and the materialles, and simples that they vse about the same: and to bring Musters and shewes of the colours and of the materials, for that it may serue this clothing realme to great purpose.

To take with you for your own vse.

All maner of Engyns to take fishe and foule.

To take with you those thinges that bee in perfection of goodnesse.

For as the goodnesse nowe at the first may make your commodities in credit in time to come: So false and sophisticate commodities shall drawe you and all your commodities into contempt and ill opinion.