Religion and Theology
Greek and Roman (cont.)
- Poseidon
- Priapus
- Prometheus
- Proserpine
- Proteus
- Psyche
- Pyanepsia
- Python
- Quirinus
- Rhadamanthus
- Rhea
- Sabazius
- Salii
- Salmoneus
- Salus
- Saturn
- Satyrs
- Scylla and Charybdis
- Secular Games
- Selēnē
- Semele
- Sēmbō Sancus
- Sibyls
- Silenus
- Silvanus
- Sirens
- Sisyphus
- Somnes
- Spes
- Styx
- Summānus
- Tages
- Tantalus
- Tartarus
- Terminus
- Thargelia
- Themis
- Theseus
- Thesmorphoria
- Thetis
- Thyrsus
- Titans
- Tithonus
- Triptolemus
- Triton
- Typhon
- Uranus
- Venus
- Vertumnus
- Vesta
- Virbius
- Vulcan
- Zephyrus
- Zeus
Asia, Asia Minor and Egypt
- Abhidhamma
- Adad
- Adonis
- Agni
- Ahriman
- Ammon
- Ananda
- Anu
- Anubis
- Apis
- Apsaras
- Arjuna
- Arya Samaj
- Asmodeus
- Assur
- Astarte
- Asvins
- Atargatis
- Atharva Veda
- Attis
- Avadana
- Avatar
- Baal
- Babylonian and Assyrian Religion
- Baetylus
- Barlaam and Josaphat
- Bel
- Bes or Bēsas
- Bhima
- Bonze
- Bo-tree
- Brahman
- Brāhmana
- Brahmanism
- Brahma Samaj
- Brihaspati
- Bubastis
- Buddha
- Buddhaghosa
- Buddhism
- Buto
- Confucius
- Criobolium
- Curetes
- Dagon
- Deva
- Devadatta
- Dhammapāla
- Draupadi
- Druses
- Durga or Devi
- Dusserah
- Ea
- Eabani
- Egbo
- Ereshkigal
- Fakir
- Fum
- Gahanbar
- Gandharva
- Ganesa
- Genna
- Gilgamesh, Epic of
- Granth
- Great Mother of the Gods
- Gula
- Hadad
- Hanuman
- Harischandra
- Hermes Trismegistus
- Hinduism
- Horus
- Indra
- Ishtar
- Isis
- Jains
- Jātaka
- Jinn
- Joss
- Jugernaut
- Juju
- Jumala
- Kabir
- Kali
- Kama or Kamadeva
- Karma
- Kartikeya
- Keshub Chunder Sen
- Kilin or Ch‘-i-lin
- Krishna
- Kshattriya
- Kubera
- Lakshmi
- Lamaism
- Lao-Tsze
- Lilith
- Lingayat
- Lumbini
- Lung (dragon)
- Mahayana
- Maitreya
- Manetho
- Manu
- Marduk
- Maruts
- Medhankara
- Mencius
- Mithras
- Nagarjuna
- Nebo
- Nergal
- Nikāya
- Ninib
- Nirvana
- Nusku
- Oannes
- Ormazd
- Osiris
- Parsees
- Peepul
- Phoenix
- Praying-Wheel
- Rawendis
- Re
- Rudra
- Sadhu
- Sankara Acharya
- Sarasuarti
- Sargon
- Sariputta
- Sāsana Vamsa
- Serapis
- Shamanism
- Shamash
- Sikhism
- Sin (moon-god)
- Siva
- Soma
- Sphinx
- Suttee
- Taurobolium
- Thoth
- Usas
- Varuna
- Vishnu
- Yama
- Yezidis
- Yogi
- Zalmoxis
- Zend-Avesta
- Zoroaster
European and American
- Avalon
- Balder
- Banshee
- Barghest
- Befana
- Belit
- Beltane
- Berchta
- Berserker
- Bifrost
- Bragi
- Builders' Rites
- Buri
- Druidism
- Eden Hall, Luck of
- Elf
- Erlkönig
- Fafnir
- Fairy
- Fenrir
- Flying Dutchman
- Frey
- Freyia
- Frigg
- Gabriel Hounds
- Ghost Dance
- Gimli
- Gjallar
- Gladsheim
- Gnomes
- Hallowe’en
- Heimdal
- Hel, or Hela
- Herne the Hunter
- Hertha or Herthus
- Hiawatha
- Huitzilopochtli
- Hulda
- Idun or Iduna
- Irmin
- Kraken
- Lorelei
- Need-Fire
- Nixie
- Norns
- Oberon
- Odin
- Ogre
- Smohalla
- Thor
- Tyr
- Valhalla
- Valkyries
- Warlock
- Wayland the Smith
- Woden
- Yggdrasil
Sports and Pastimes
- Ace
- Acrobat
- Acrostic
- All Fours
- All-Round Athletics
- Amateur
- Ambigu
- Anagram
- Angling
- Apperley, Charles James
- Archery
- Athlete
- Auction Pitch
- Aunt Sally
- Automatism
- Baccarat
- Backgammon
- Badminton
- Bagatelle
- Ball
- Bank
- Barley-Break
- Barnum, Phineas Taylor
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Basset or Bassette
- Battledore and Shuttlecock
- Battue
- Bear-Baiting and Bull-Baiting
- Beggar-my-Neighbour
- Bet and Betting
- Bézique
- Billiards
- Birdsnesting
- Biribi
- Bisque
- Blind Hookey
- Blindman’s-buff
- Blondin
- Blow-gun
- Bolas
- Boston
- Botori
- Bouillotte
- Bowling
- Bowls
- Boxing
- Brag
- Bridge
- Bull-fighting
- Caber Tossing
- Caestus
- Calabresella
- Camping Out
- Cane-fencing
- Canoe
- Cards, Playing
- Casino
- Catch the Ten
- Charade
- Checkers
- Chess
- Children’s Games
- Circus
- Coasting
- Cock-fighting
- Commerce
- Conjuring
- Consolation
- Conundrum
- Cottabus
- Coursing
- Crambo
- Cribbage
- Cricket
- Croquet
- Curling
- Cycling
- Decoy
- Deuce
- Diabolo
- Dice
- Discus
- Doll
- Dominoes
- Dover, Robert
- Draughts
- Driving
- Écarté
- Epée-de-combat
- Euchre
- Falconry
- Fantan
- Faro
- Fast and Loose
- Fencing
- Fives
- Foil-Fencing
- Football
- Game
- Game Laws
- Games, Classical
- Gaming and wagering
- Gladiators
- Go or Go-bang
- Golf
- Goose, Game of
- Gordon-Cumming, R. G.
- Grace, William Gilbert
- Guide
- Gully, John
- Gymkhana
- Gymnastics and Gymnasium
- Halma
- Hammer Throwing
- Handicap
- Hazard
- Hearts
- Hockey
- Hop-scotch
- Horsemanship
- Horse-Racing
- Hoyle, Edmund or Edmond
- Hunting
- Hurdle Racing
- Ice-yachting
- Jockey
- Jones, Henry (“Cavendish”)
- Jugler
- Ju-jutsu or Jiu-jitsu
- Jumping
- Katterfelto
- Keddah
- Kite-flying
- Knucklebones
- Lacrosse
- La Grâce
- Lansquenet
- Lasso
- Lawn-Tennis
- Legerdemain
- Long Fives
- Loo
- Lotto
- Marbles
- Matador
- Matrimony
- Milo
- Model-Yachting
- Mora or Morra.
- Morphy, Paul Charles
- Mountaineering
- Mummers
- Napoleon
- Naumachia
- Nine Men’s Morris
- Old Maid
- Ombre
- Pachisi
- Palaestra
- Pall-Mall
- Pallone
- Patience
- Petola
- Petits-Chavaux
- Philately
- Philidor, François André Danican
- Pigeon-Flying
- Pigeon-shooting
- Pig-Sticking or Hog-Hunting
- Ping-Pong or Table Tennis
- Pinochle or Penuchle
- Piquet
- Poker
- Pole-Vaulting
- Polo
- Ponte
- Pope-Joan
- Popinjay
- Post and Pair
- Potato-Race
- Prestidigitation
- Primero
- Prisoners’ Base
- Pugilism
- Pushball
- Putting the Shot (or Weight)
- Puzzle
- Quarter-staff
- Quintain
- Quoits
- Racquets
- Raffle
- Rebus
- Riddles
- Riding
- Ringgoal
- Roller-skating
- Rope-Walking
- Roulette
- Rounders
- Rowing
- Running
- Sabre-Fencing
- St John, Charles William George
- Salta
- Sanger, John
- Sayers, Tom
- Scull
- Shikar
- Shio-ghi
- Shooting
- Shuffle-board
- Single-stick
- Skat
- Skating
- Ski
- Skittles
- Snip Snap Snorum
- Solotaire
- Solo or Solo whist
- Speculation
- Spelling Bee
- Spillikins
- Spoil-Five
- Sport
- Sports, The Book of
- Squails
- Stadium
- Steeple-Chase
- Stické
- Stilts
- Stool-Ball
- Swimming
- Switchback
- Tamburello
- Tarok
- Teetotum
- Tennis
- Tip-cat
- Tobogganing
- Top
- Toreador
- Tournament
- Toy
- Trap
- Trap-Ball or Knur and Spell
- Trapeze or Trapese
- Trente et Quarante
- Tug-of-War
- Tussaud, Marie
- Ventriloquism
- Vingt-et-Un
- Vint
- Walking-races
- Walsh, John Henry
- Wapenshaw
- Water Polo
- Webb, Matthew
- Weight-Throwing
- Whist
- Wrestling
- Yachting
- Ab
- Aeon
- Almanac
- April
- August
- Bissext
- Calendar
- Centenary
- Century
- Day
- Decade
- December
- Dial and Dialling
- Fasti
- February
- Friday
- Hejira or Hegira
- Hindu Chronology
- Hour
- Intercalary
- January
- July
- June
- Lady Day
- Leap Year
- March
- May
- Monday
- Month
- Morning
- Night
- Noon
- November
- October
- Olympiad
- Saros
- Season
- September
- Scothic Period
- Sunday or the Lord’s Day
- Time, Measurement of
- Week
- Yule