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[ 39 ]

But to whom would not this be acceptable, for to be manifeſted to every one rather then to have it kept and ſpared, as an eſpecial ornament for the appointed time to come?

Wherefore ſhould we not with all our hearts reſt and remain in the onely truth (which men through ſo many erroneous and crooked ways do ſeek) if it had onely pleaſed God to lighten unto us the ſixth Candelabrum? were it not good that we needed not to care, not to fear hunger, poverty, ſickneſs, and age?

Were it not a precious thing, that you could always live ſo, as if you had liv’d from the beginning of the world, and moreover, as you ſhould ſtil live to the end thereof? Were it not excellent, you dwel in one place, that neither the people which dwel beyond the River Ganges in the Indies could hide any thing, nor thoſe which live in Peru might be able to keep ſecret their counſels from thee?

Were it not a precious things that you could ſo read in one onely book, and withal by reading underſtand, and remember all that, which in all other books
