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The Preface.

Preface, and cannot proportion my Diſcourſe to the deſerts of my Subject.

And here ſome Critic may drop his Diſcipline, and bid me face about, for I am wide of my Text, the Society of R. C. I have indeed exceeded in my ſervice to the Brachmans, but in all that there was no Impertinency. I did it, to ſhew the Conformity of the old and new Profeſſors: and this is ſo far from Digreſſion, I can think it near a Demonſtration. For when we have Evidence that Magicians have been, it is proof alſo that they may be; ſince it cannot be denyed, but Preſidents exclude Impoſſibility. I hold it then worth our obſervation, that even thoſe Magi, who came to Chriſt himſelf, came from the Eaſt: but as we cannot prove they were Brachmans, ſo neither can we prove they were not. Now if any man will be ſo croſs, as to contend for the Negative, he ſhall have my thanks for the advantage he allows me; for then it muſt follow, that the Eaſt afforded more Magical Societies then one. But this point I need not inſiſt on: for the learned will not deny, but
