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dated 6th April 1290^'. And the prior and convent of Ely by their letter to the King dated 8th May 1290^^*, present 1290 William de Luda (William of Louth), dean of St, i8Edw. I. Martin the Great, London, archdeacon of Durham, and treasurer of the King's wardrole^ whom they had chosen as their bishop. He was elected 1 2th May (iv Id. Maii) 1290. The royal assent being given to his election on the i4th^^-', his confirmation took place on the 27th, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 30th of the same month ^^. He was con- secrated and enthroned at Ely ist Oct. following ^1. He died 25th ]\Iarch 1298^-, and was buried in Ely cathedral. On 24th April the license issued to elect his successor 6-J, but the chapter were divided in their choice between John Saleman or Salmon, their prior, and John de Langton, chancellor of England'^'. The major part of the chapter elected the prior, and sent their certificate in his favour ; but the King rejected it on account of informality^', and assented to the election of the chancellor (19th July 1298), though

57 Pat. 18 Edw. I. m. 32. the see.

58 Lett, in Tower of Lond. S. ^3 Pat. 26 Edw. I. m. 18.

43. <>* There is a memorandum

59 Pat. 18 Edw. I. m. 30. on the Patent Roll, 26 Edw. I. "o Ibid. m. 28. m. 14, that John de Langton, i Annal.Wigorn. MS. Thorn, the King's chancellor, left the

Wikes and Reg. Cantuar. court, then at York, on the Fri- 6^ Among records which lately day before the Feast of St. Bar- belonged to the King's remem- nabas the apostle (6th June), to brancer of the exchequer is a go to the archbishop of Canter- compotus which states that he bury on the subject of his hav- died 28th March, 26 Edw. L, ing been elected to the see of Ely. and the obituary of Ely gives * " Xos tamen pro eo quod the same day; according to the dictse literae fuerant defectivae, et Annales Wigorn. it was the 27th sub indebita forma conceptae, of that month ; and on the Libe- necnon, et quia non erant sigillo rate Roll, 29 Edw. L m. 3, is an communi dicti capituli roboratae account rendered by the ' custo- non potuimus sicut nee debui- des' of the bishopric after his mus ilia vice electioni hujusmodi death, during the avoidance of assentire." Pat. 26 E. L m. 10.

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