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332 ELY.

he was in a minority ^^ 'phe chapter appealed to the Pope, and chancellor Langton attended his Holiness in person with letters of credence from the King67^ but the court of Rome, to appease both parties in the chapter, nullified both elections^** ; translated the bishop of Norwich to Ely^^; made the prior bishop of Norwich, and bestowed the archdeaconry of Canter- bury on Langton '^*; he allowed him also to hold any plurality of benefices "'^*. 1300 Ralph Walpole, bishoj) of Noricich, having been trans- ^jEdw. I. lated to this see by bull dated 15th July 1299, the temporalities were restored to him 10th Oct. follow- ing"!, j^nd he was consecrated 20th March 1299-1300. He died 20th March 1301-2, and was buried in his own cathedral 1st April 1302 2. The license to elect a successor to Ralph Walpole"'^ is not enrolled "^, but the sub-prior and convent of Ely, by their letter dated 25th April 1302, inform the King that they had elected Robert their prior as their bishop in the room

��^^ Pat. 26 Edw. I. m. 10. lens honorare personam cum eo

67 Langton had letters of safe super pluralitate beneficiorum

conduct dated 18th Feb. (Pat. 27 suorum cum cura et sine cura

Edw. I. m. 36.), and the King's quae obtinet nostri consideratione

several letters of credence to the duxerit dispensandum."

Pope and cardinals are on the "' Pat. 27 Edw. I. m. 9.

19th of that month. Claus. 27 ^2 Hist. Eliens. Angl. Sacra,

Edw. I. m. 17. in dorso. pars i. p, 640.

6** Langton on his return from '3 Qn the Liberate Roll, 32

Rome landed at Dover nth June Edw. L m. 3, is an account ren-

1299. Pat. 27 Edw. I. m. 22. dered by the custodes of the see

and Claus. 27 Edw. L m. 11. at bishop Walpole's death.

^^ Matt. West, sub an. 1298. '^ Memorandum quod iv Idas

"0 Matt. AVest. April (loth April) 1302, archi-

70* On this matter the King episcopus commisit vices suas

thus expressed himself in a letter magistro Ricardo de Otringham

on the Patent Roll 27 Edw. L rectori ecclesiae de Schaleford

m. 17 : " Cum Sanctissimus in dioc. Elyen. ad exercend. omni-

Christo pater dorainus Bonifa- modum jurisdict. in eadem sede

cius Papa Octavus nostram, in Elyen. dioc. vacante sicut olim

dilecto clerico nostro Johanna de in dicto dioc. obtinuerat. Reg.

Langton concellario nostro vo- Winchels.

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