buried at Bath on the feast of St. Thomas the Martyr[1].
- The see was vacant after the death of Baldwin for nearly three years[2].
4 Ric. I.Hubert Walter, bishop of Salisbury, who was at Acre with archbishop Baldwin and the executor of his will, was translated to Canterbury, having been elected archbishop 30th May 1193[3]. He was enthroned 5th Nov. following[4]. King John appointed him his chancellor in 1199. He held the seals till his death, 13th July (iii Idus Julii) 1205[5], and was buried on the 15th of the same month in his own cathedral[6].
Reginald, the sub-prior, was elected by the monks'[7]; but afterwards at their own request[8] the election was set aside by the King[9], and
John Grey, bishop of Norwich, at the King's request, was chosen[10]; but the Pope annulled the election[11] in favour of
- ↑ Rad. de Diceto.
- ↑ Gerv. Act. Pont.
- ↑ Chron. Gerv., Ymag. Hist., and Rad. de Diceto.
- ↑ Ymag. Hist.
- ↑ Rog. Wendov.
- ↑ Gerv. Cantuar.
- ↑ Monachi vero Cantuar. timentes ne rex more suo electionem suam impediret, rege non inquisito, Reginaldum sub-priorem suum in archiepiscopum elegerunt, et de nocte media, hymno, Te Deum laudamus, cantato, prius super majus altare ac deinde in archiepiscopali cathedra posuerunt, quod clam ideo factum est, quia verebantur monachi, quod si electio, sine regis consensu facta, ipsi regi innotesceret, processum negotii iratus impediret. (Matt. Westm. ad an. 1205.) For a full account of the proceedings in this election, see Matthew of Westminster, and Giraldus Cambrensis, Distinc. 2. c. 19.
- ↑ Quosdam de conventu monachos ad regem miserunt requirentes ab eo licentiam eligendi.
- ↑ Rog. Wendov.
- ↑ Rot. Pat. 7 Joh. m. i. Quo facto, rex, videntibus cunctis, misit electum ilium in possessionem rerum omnium ad archiepiscopatum pertinentium. Matt. Westm. ad an. 1205.
- ↑ Upon this election Matthew of Westminster remarks, " Sicque inhac duplici electione, factus estnovissimus error, pejor priore, quod fuit seminarium multarum in Anglia tribulationum et scandalorum, quae nunquam postea sedabantur penitus extirpata."