Humphbey Smith, collated 26th June 15 12.
Edward Lee, collated 3rd Oct. 1512, vice Smith quit- ting it. lie was made archbishop of York 1532.
Thomas Robinson, A.M., collated 1 6th April 1532, who quitted it tor Lafford 1,533.
Chbistopheb Plummeb, canon of Windsor, collated 26th March following. He was attainted and deprive '1
i' 1 '534- William Weldon, collated 10th and installed [6th
March ij^~5-
Rogeb Weldon, collated 6th Oct. 1,145. N ' ri William Weldon dec< ased.
K0111 in Tayleb, LL.B., installed 7th March 1555, and occurs possessed of it in 156 1.
John Robinson, collated 14th July and installed 7th Sept. 1573, and quitted it for Castor.
John Hoi. din, installed 30th Sept. 1575, vice Robinson resigned.
Francis Rimington, collated 20th March 1591-2, and installed 1st April 1592.
RlCHABD Hi. aw, A.M.. installed 13th Nov. 1625, vice RimingtoD deceased.
John Leigh, A.M., collated 25th Aug., and installed 3rd Sept. 1663, vice Blaw deceased. Succeeded by
Robert Blrton, A.M., collated 13th Feb., and in- stalled on the 17th of the same month 1681-2, vice Leiffh deceased.
John Leigh, A.M , collated 3rd July 1683, vice Bur- ton deceased.
William Lurcock, M.A., collated 29th May, and in- stalled on the 30th of the same month 1691, vice Leigh deceased. Died 18th May 1700; buried in the cathedral.
John Curtois, A.M., collated 18th Nov., and installed in the same month 1700, vice Lurcock deceased. He died in 1719.
Peniston Booth, A.M., collated 21st May 1 719 ; he was also canon of Windsor.
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