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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/198

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468 NORWK H.

1472 J a mis Goldwell, dean of Salisbury, and archdeacon 11 Ed. iv. of Essex, however, was made bishop by papal bull dated 17th duly 147:'^, and was consecrated at Rome by the Pope himself 4th Oct. ; he had the temporal- ities restored to him 25th Feb. following 69 . He died 15th Feb.?' 1498 9, and was buried in his own cathe- dral? 1 . His will is dated 14th Feb. 1498 9 ? a . 1499 Thomas Jank <>r Jane, LL.D., archdeacon of Essex, 14 H. VII. canon of Windsor, and dean of the Chapel Royal, had the temporalities restored to him zist July 1 499 "', and was confirmed <m the -:4th <>f the same month.

The lie >f his roii-. .Tali. .11 was dated l 7 1 li < >-t .

following. He died at Folkstone Abbey, near Dover, in Sept. J.500, and was burii d in his <>\\n cathedraL 1501 Richaid Nvkm . N ikk 1 . or Nix. LL.D., archdeac

16H.VJI. of Wells, and dean of th\ Royal Chapel. His election was confirmed about 17th March i. r ,ci. The license of his consecration was dated 17th April 1501?*. He had the temporalities restored the 24th of the same month" 6 . He died [4th Jan. 1535 6", and was buried in hi*; own cathedral. The license to 1 led on the death of bishop Nykke is dated 25th .May 1536? i5?6 William R R ,S.T.P., abbot of St. Benet

28H.VI11. of 11 . the first bishop of the new foundation of the

��68 Rep. ipsius. He was called n Pat. 14 Hen. VII. p. 2. m.5.

dean sbury and elect of 7 * Ita enim nomen propria ejus

Norwich 12th July 147^. Pat. manu conacriptom vidi. MS.

12 Bdw. IV. in. 22. nut.' in 1. <rd Powis'fl copy.

isEdw. IV. p. i.m.6. ~ : ' R j. Cantuar.

" Elsewhere he is said to have "' ; Pat. [6 Hen. VII. p.i.m.35.

died ix CaL Dee. (23rd Nov.) " xix Cal. Feb. (14th Jan.),

There is no inscription on his obiit dominus Ricardns Nyx epi-

toinb in the cathedral, but there scopus Norwicensis pater etbene-

is one in All Souls' college, Ox- factor noster. Obituar. Cantuar.

ford, the chapel of which he r ~ Pat. 2S Hen. VIII. p. 3. m.2.

built. r '-' Son of William Rugg of

"' Reg. ipsius. North Repps in the county of

"- Lib. Home, in Offic. Prerog. Norfolk. Cantuar.

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