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liberties, and free customs: " Ita quod vaoante ilia sede episcopali custodiam et ordinationem illius eccle- siae idem archiepiacopua et successores sui habeant libera et pacifice in perpetuum ut patroni, ita quod in ordinatione illius ece-h-sia- d<- episeopo. et episeopi electione, nee ante nee post electionem episeopi regius requiretur assensus, set totum ad archiepisoopum qui- cumque fuerit pertinebit. Epiacopua autem vel eleetus loci illius teraporalia, quae priua vocabantur regalia, de manu praedicti arohiepiaoopi e1 Bucceaaorum auorum plenarie recipiet et fidelitatem ei faciei de feodis per- tinentibua ad eccleaiam illam episeopalem tamquam patrono ejuadem episcopatus Hence it is that,

except during the vacancy of the sec of Canterbury, neither the license for the election of a biahop of Bo- cheater, nor the royal assent, nor the restitution of tlic temporalities, are recorded. 1215 Benedict de Sansetun, precentor of St. PattTt, vras i6Joh. elected in the chapter of Rochester 1 ,th Dec. 1214. and consecrated 22nd Feb. 1314 15 in the church of St. Mary Oaney, Oxford 68 . He died 21 at Dec. 1226, and was buried in the cathedral of Rochester 1227 Henry de Sandfobd, archdeacon of Canterbury, was

1 ill 11. in. elected 26th Dec. i22'>, and consecrated (vii Id. Maii) 9th May 11277. He died 24th Feb. [234-57 1 . [238 Richard dk Wendoveb was elected 26th March 1235,

13 Hen III. but was rejected by archbishop Edmund for want of learning. The bishop elect appealed to the Pope, who confirmed him 20th -March 1237-8"-; but he did not

67 Cart. 16 Job. m. 6 in cedula. Cantuar. arcbiepiscopo munus

HMatt.West.adan.1215.MS. consecratkmia suscepit" (Matt,

in BibL Coll. Magd. Oxford. Westm.)! but according to An-

Matt. Westm. et AnnaL Pri- nal. Wigorn. 25th April,

orat. de Sutbw. "' Henricus de Sandfordia

70 Maii nono. (AnnaL Waverl.) Roffensia antistes diem clai

" Eodem tempore (mense Maioj extremum vi Kal. Martii. Matt.

Henricus de Sanfordia Cantuar. Westm.

archidiaconus ad Roffensem epi- r - Die Sancti Cuthberti 1238.

BCOpmn rite eleetus a Stephano Matt. Westm.

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