Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/30

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bert Tunstall to Durham 1 ': he received the temporal- ities 14th July l r , -'JO ", ami was omsccratril 27th Nov." 1 following 9 . He died <>u hie birthday, 8th Sept. 15391 and was buried in his cathedral 10 , in the chapel <>f St. Gregory, <>n the 14th of the same month.

1539 Edmund Bonneu, LL.D., bishop elect 0/ Hereford, was 31 11. \ 111. eh. seu for the see of London zoth Oct. '.v,V> ""1 obtained the royal assent to his election 7th Nov. 13 , and his temporalities on the 1 8th of the same month 18 . He was consecrated in his own cathedral 4th April 1 540 14 , and enthroned on the 16th of thai month 15 . He was deprived [si Oct. [549 by two several com- missions dated Nth and 17th Sept. preceding 16 .

  • 55 Nicholas Ridley, bishop of Rochester, was translated to the see of London isl Ipril 1 53c '\ and enthroned on the 12th of the same month 18 ; bul in the isrl year of the reign of queen Mary, he was imprisoned, and 20th April 1554 condemned at Oxford On 18th Oct. in tin- following year he was burnt to death at the stake a mart \ r to his faith.

1553 Edmi mi Bonni b was restored to the bishopric of

1 Mmr. London 5th Sept. 1553; but he was again displaced

��c Pope Clement's hull of pro- without writ of conge* d'elire

vision is dated 28th March 1530. having been sent to the dean

?Pat.33 Hen.VIII. p. a.m. 25. and chapter, pursuant to the

9 The license for his conaecra- statute 1 Bdw. VI. c. 2. which

lion " extra ecclesiam Cantuari- enacts "that from henceforth

enaem" was obtained atStb Nov. no conge* d'elire shall he granted

[530. our election of any archbishop

' 1 v< g, Cantnar. 01 bishop by the dean and chap-

'" Reg. ( iranm. ter made, but that the King may

" Ibid. by his letters patent, at all times

'-'Pat. 31 IK-n.VI 1 1. p.,v m.9. when any archbishopric or hi-

1:1 [bid. shopric be void, confer the same

14 Rep. Cranm. f>l. 359. upon any person whom the King

" [bid. shall think meet:" and the patent

" Pat. 3 Bdw. VI. p. 11. m. 3. granting Ridley the restitution

in dorso. R< sg. Honner. fol. 210. of the temporalities refers to and

'" Pat. 4 Edw.VI. p. 1. in. 23. cites the statute iii question. Ridley was translated to London '" Rep. Bonner, fol. 2--

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