John Harris, A.M., admitted 2nd Feb. 1707-8; died
7th Sept. 1719, and was succeeded by George Carter, S.T.P., provost of Oriel college, Ox- ford, 2ist Oct. i7i9 ls , to whose office, as head of that
college, this stall is. b) art of parliament, annexed. \V \ 1 11 1; Hodg] b, prove si of Oriel college, Owford, in
Oct. 1727, vice George Gaiter deceased, Ob. 14th
Jan. 1757. Chardin Musgrave, l>.I>.. provost qj <>riel colli!-.
Oxford. Ob. 8th Jan. 1768. John Clarke, D.D., provost oj Oriel college, Oxford.
Ob. in 1781. John K\ .11. M. A., provost of Oriel college, Oxford,
in Dec. 1781. Ob. 10th I too. 1 s 14, eetat. 67. Edward Copi i stoki . j>r<>r<,st ,/' Oriel college, Oxford,
admitted in -Ian. [815, on tin- death of Dr. Bveleigh. Edward Hawkins, D.D., provost ofOri< "
ford, admitted 15th Feb. 1828.
ld Bishops' Certificate!.
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