Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/338

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161 7-18-', a'tat. 5S, and was buried in his own cathe- dral. His will is in the Prerogative Office of" Canter- bury 28 . A license tO elect ;i bishop, vice Robert

Abbot, issued 17th March 1617-18 161S Maetin Fothebby, S.T.P., prebend of Canterbury, was

16 Jac. I. elected 2MI1 March 1618, obtained the royal assent

on the 9th, was confirmed 18th April, consecrated at Lambeth next day , and received the temporalities on the 25th of the same month He died 12th

March [619 20 3a , and was buried in the church of All Saints, Loin hard Btreet, London. His will is in the Prerogal ive ( Office of < ianterburj

1620 Robert Towksom or Tonso . S.T.P., dean of West-

18 Jac I. ,,,;, iter, was elected 24th March 1619-20, and obtained

the royal assenl 13th April 1620 . He was confirmed 8th July, and consecrated at Lambeth the next day The temporalities were r stored to him 19th Jul}

He died [5th M.i\ l62I, and was buried in \\ est-

minster Abbey, leaving a widow and fifteen children 1 ". A oongd d'elire issued 29th May 1 _ . pursuant to


1621 J on \ l).\\i\\\r. S.T.P., president 0/ Queen's coll

19 Jac. 1. ( 'ambridgi . was 1 l< ct< d nth dune 1021 '. and received

the royal assent lothAug. He wae confirmed 17th Nov., and consecrated the next day in the chapel be- longing to the house of the bishop of London ' ! . The temporalities were restored to him 23rd Nov.'- He died 20th April 1641, and was buried in Salisbury

��- : Canid. Annal. Jac. I. Camd. Annal. Jac. I.

Meade,48. w Pat. 18 Jac. I. p.aa. N<.i.

29 Pat. 15 Jac. I. p. 26. in. i. I and. Annal. Jac. I.

30 Caind. Annal. Jac. I. Reg. Pat. ig Jac 1 p. 23. m.6. Abbot, f. 119. a9 Cui Rex praecepit, oe uxo-

'" Pat. 16 Jac. I. p. 2.-,. N. ,-,. rem dm a t. C und. Annal. Jac. I.

82 Ca.nd. Annal. Jac. I. *' Pat. IQ Jac. I. p. 22. N". ;,.

33 Soarae, 26 41 Reg. Abbot, pars ii. f. 69. et

M Pat. 18 Jac. I. p. 22. N. 2. Camd. Annal. Jac. I.

M Reg. Abbot, pars ii. f. 49. et 4 - Pat. 19 ,hu\ I. p. 22. N. 4.

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