Geoffbey dk Feeinges, prebendary of Wsnlahesbarn, was dean in 1263'". He was living in 1267.
John de Chibhul, archdeacon 0/ London, was dean of this church in Oct. J 26S, and in Dec. 1273, when ne was elected bishop of this see.
lli.Kvi.v de Bobham succeeded before 2nd Feb. 1 $73 ~4i and died 6th or 7th Oct. 1276'".
Thomas db [koai di sthobp, or Inglethobp 95 , arci- deacon of Middle* 0, and prebendary of \> wington, (ho was also archdeacon of Sudbury in Aug. 1267'"',) suc- ceeded about the latter end <i" Feb. or beginning of March 1 1767, and in July 1 Z83 lie was made bishop of Rochester.
Rogeb in; 1. \ Li vr, or I.i 1 . archdeacon of />>< /'. and prebendary of Brovme9toode,wsB preferred to this dean- ery viii Oal. Nov. (25th Oct.) 12H3, and installed 27th Oct He died i8tfa Aug. i 185
William de Mom i obd, or Montfobt, pru ; " ndary of /.-/. (JMtyWas elected dean of this church 3 1 st ( tot. 1 285.
He was also archdeacon of Sal<>|. He died suddenly towards tie' end of the year 1 2<y4\
Ralph db Baldoce, or Baudaee, archdeacon of Mid- dlesex . was elected dean 18th Oct. 1294 1 , and in 1 304 he became bishop of this see, though not conse- crated till 1306.
Ueymund de la Goth, cardinal deacon of Bonn phew of pops <'t'ht</tt ^obtained this deanery before the end of the year 1 506, and in 1307 was removed
��Statut. de Officio Puerorum hut 18th Aug. 12*7, Ad. Muri-
Episcoporutn, tf. 47, 48. mutli.
- ' 4 Anno 1276 obiit Herveus " Lett. 1708 in Turr. Lond.
de Borham decanus London, et et Matt. \Wstm.
electus est Thomas de Hingel- He held the prebends of
thorp. Annal. Ecclesia? Cantu- Holhorn, Isledon, and Newing-
arienM*-. ton.
y ' Called also Hingelthorp. ' C'artul. Eccl. Paulin.
96 Pat. 51 Hen. III. m. 10. - Titulo S. Maria? Novae.
7 Cod. MS. Florilegi Lambeth.
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