Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/128

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12^ YORK. Henry oi- Newkkk was installed iith June 1290^^, and in 1296 he was elected archbishop of this seo'". William dk IIamklton '*" was elected to this dignity, and the archbishop confirmed him, although the Pope had provided one t'rancis'-', a Koman cardinal; after some contest, the cardinal resigned his pretensions, and A'illiam enjoyed it to the time of his death, which happened 20th April 1307.'-^ Reymund de la Goth or Del Goud, a Roman cardinal, hy the title of " S. Maria Nova" being provided to this dignity by the Pope, was admitted ii Cal. Aug. (31st July) 1307, and died about the middle of the year 1310^'. William Pickering, LL.D., archdeacon of Nottinn- harn^ was elected to this deanery iii Id. Sept. (iith Sept.) 13 10, and died vii Id. Apr. (7th April) 1312'^^. lloBERT Pickering, archdeacon of Northumberland y was elected to this dignity 12th June 13 12-^ George de Saluciis, precentor of Sarum, pretended a right to it by papal provision, and endeavoured to obtain it by force, for which he was excommunicated by the archbishop-', llobert Pickering died in 1332'-^. William de Colby was admitted to this dignity 4th Nov. 1332, and installed vi Cal. Jan. (27th Dec.) fol- lowing. Ho died before 4th Nov. 1336-^ Ho made 16 Stubbs' Coll. 1728. de Hamilton retained the dignity. '" Pat. 24 Edw. I. m. 14. Rej?. (irenfeld, An. 1306. '^ On the promotion of dean •!' Claus. 27 Edw. 1. m. 19 in llenry of Ncwcrk to the archi- dorso. episcopal chair, the Pope pro- 20 y^^ Reg. Albo. P. i. f. 101. vided to this deanery Francis, a -• Reg. (ircnefeld. Roman cardinal ; l)ut the chap- -- Reg. EI)or. ter chose William de Hamilton, '•^* Reg. Grenefeld. and the archbishop confirmed -^ Reg. Grenefeld. ISee Mon. him, for which they were all Angl. torn. iii. p. 128. summoned to Rome ; the Pope **' Reg. Ebor. in the end gave way. and William '^ Ibid.