Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/131

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DEANS. 125 William Felter, LL.D., archdeacon ofYorJc^ was ad- mitted 1 6th Dec. 1436*^. He died loth April 145 1, and was buried in the cathedral ^^. His will is dated 6th April 1451. Richard Andrew, LL.D., was confirmed 21st Jan. 1451-2^7. John Eermyngham had been elected by some of the canons, and Richard Andrew by the others. Andrew resigned 2nd June 1477;, ^"^ ^^^^ between 12th Sept. and 5th Nov. the same year 4^. His will, dated 12th Sept. 1477, ^^^^^ proved 5th Nov. 1477- Robert Bothe was admitted i8th Aug. 1477^0. He died 25th Jan. 1487—8, and was buried in the cathe- dral^^. His will is dated 23rd Jan. 1487-8, and was proved 8th Aug. following. Christopher Urswick, LL.D., was admitted to this dignity 22nd May 1488, installed by proxy on the 25th of the same month_, and in person 22nd May 1489^^. He resigned in 1494 ^3. jje became dean of Windsor in 1495. William Sheffield, LL.D., was admitted 24th June 1494^^. He died 8th Dec. 1496, and was buried in the cathedral ^^. Geoffrey Blythe was admitted 24th March 1496-7, and in 1503 was made bishop of Coventry and Lich- field ^6. Christopher Bayxbrigg, LL.D., was elected to this deanery 9th Dec. 1503, confirmed by the archbishop on the 18th, admitted on the 21st of the same month, and resigned it J3th Dec. 1507, on being promoted to the see of Durham. James Harrington was confirmed in this dignity by 4* R«g. Kempe. •'»' Ex Epitaphio. ^' Ex Epitapljio. •- Reg. Ebor. ^7 Re(<. Ebor. ^-^ Ibid. ••■» Ibid. 48 Ibid. 49 i^^id. .').'• Ex Epitaphio. ^ Ibid. ' •'•• Reg. Ebor.