Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/150

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144 YORK. mittcd in person 8th Oct. 157 1^'. In 1577 he was made bishop of Carlisle. John Ginsox or Gibhox was nominated in 1578; re- signed in 1588. Thomas Cole, A.M., succeeded in March 1588: void by the resignation of Mey. Richard Remyngton, archdeacon of Cleveland^ was removed to this archdeaconry about 1588. Maumaduke Blaxtox or Blakestox, A.M., was col- lated 25th Nov. 1615 : void by the resignation of Remyngton. John Cosin, S.T.B., was collated in Sept. 1625: void by the resignation of Blaxton. In 1660 he was made bishop of Durham. Clement Barton or Breton, S.T.P., was nominated by patent nth Oct. 1660. He resigned on being made archdeacon of Leicester. Robert Hitch, S.T.P., succeeded in 1662. In 1664-5 he was made dean of this church. William Brearey, LL.D., collated 15th Oct. 1675 > died possessed of this dignity in 1701'^^. Heneage Bering, LL.D., was collated 7th March 1 701—2 : void by the death of Brearey-^. Jaques Sterne, 20th April 1750, on the death of Heneage Dering. RoRERT Oliver, 30th May 1755, on the resignation of Jaques Sterne. Thomas Constable, nth Dec. 1784, on the death of Robert Oliver. Robert Darley Waddilove, 3rd March 1786, on the death of Thomas Constable. Franc IS Wraxgham, 2nd Oct. 1828, on the death of Robert Darley Waddilove. Robert Isaac Wilberforce, 14th Jan. 1841, vice Francis Wrangham. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 62/. 14;?. 7</.^'^ 27 Reg. Ebor. 28 Keg. Sharp. 29 ibid. 30 Ecton, p. 1 2.