Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/151

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ARCHDEACONS. 145 ARCHDEACONS OF CLEVELAND. Jeremiah held this dignity about 1170. Geoffrey de Muschamp held it tempore Hen. K.^i He became bishop of Coventry and Lichfield in 1198. JoHX DE Grey held it in 11993^. Ralph de Kyme laid claim to this dignity in 11 96, and seems to have obtained it about 1200: in 1201 he became precentor of this cathedral. Hugh Murdac possessed it in 1201. William de Ely held it 15th Dec. 1204-3^ and in i2i83-«. Matthew, subscribed by this title as a witness to a deed dated in Octabis S. Joh. Bapt. 1225-^^. John held it in 1230. Serlo in 1 23 1 '^6. Geoffrey de Muschamp held it about 1250. RuFFixus Tokens witnessed a deed as archdeacon of Cleveland dated in crastino S. Botolphi (i8th June) 1266^". Thomas Grimston occurs as archdeacon of Cleveland in 1280. He died in 1289, and was succeeded by Thomas de Eadbury, who was one of the messengers sent by the chapter of York to announce to his Ma- jesty the death of archbishop William Wickwane in 1285. Stephen de Malolacu or Mauley held this dignity in 1289. He had a grant of letters of protection dated 28th Sept. 1294'^. He also possessed it in 1306. Adrian de Flisco was presented to this dignity by the King 15th Aug. 131 7-^^. 3' MS. Cott. Claud. R. vii. p. 134. iol. 327. •»<"> MS. (^ott. Vitel. A. ii. ^2 Cart. I Joh. m. 26. in dorso. '•' (.'oil. Doflsworth.vol.lxxviii. •*^ Pat. 6 Job. rn. 3. p, 212. •♦4 R(,t. Hug. Well. •<« Pat. 22 Kdw. I.

  • ^ Va). l)od«worth, vol.cxvii. •'•' 1 i Ivlu. II.