Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/153

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ARCHDEACONS OF CLEVELAND. 147 John Fitz -Thomas succeeded Marshall in 1386. Ob. 1387- Alexander Herell or Herle held it nth June 13875". Thomas Walkington was installed 7th Nov. 1397, on the resignation of Herle. Clement Staynton was collated in 14 10, vice Wal- kington deceased. Richard Pittes was appointed 9th March 1411^1. William Peleson was collated in 1414 ; he died 28th Aug. 1434. His will, dated 24th Aug. 1434, was proved 4th Sept. following. William Duffield was collated in 1434, and died 7th March 1453—4. His will, dated 2nd Feb. 1453-4, was proved 12th March following. Stephen Wilton succeeded in 1454. His will, dated 4th June 1457, vvas proved 6th July following. William Brand succeeded in 1457; he resigned in 1470. William Poteman succeeded in 1470, and resigned it in 1484. William Constable, collated i6th June 1484, on the resignation of Poteman. His will, dated 28th Sept. 1485, was proved 28th Nov. 1485 5-. Henry Cornebull was admitted 27th Oct. 1485, vice Constable deceased. He resigned it for the archdea- conry of the East-Riding, and was succeeded by Geoffrey Rlythe, who was collated 9th May 1493. He was made dean in 1497, and was succeeded by John Hole, who was admitted 8th March 1496. He resigned it on being made archdeacon of the East- Riding, and was succeeded by Thomas Crossley, who was admitted 5th May 1497. Ho resigned it for the archdeaconry of Nottingham, and was succeeded by ^* Pat. 10 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 2. ^' Pat, 12 Hen. IV. in. 19. - Reg. Kbor. 1; 1