Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/166

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160 YORK. ist Nov. T306, and admitted 6th Jan. (viii Id. Jan.) 1306—7'-^; and letters mandatory were issued lotli March 1306—7 to let him have undisturbed posses- sion '^^ He held this dignity in 1327 -". John Brabazon was appointed by the King 9th Aug. 1327'^". Walter de Yarwell held it in 1329. William ue la Mare held it in 1329 and 1330. Stephen, cardinal priest in "Cello mofite,^ held it in 1334. Francis de Ursinis held it in 1335 and 1340-'^. William de Kildesby held the office in 1341'^", and resigned it in 1343. J3artholomew de Bourne was appointed by the King 25th July 1343^'. A., " Tusculanus cardinalis^^' was appointed by the Pope in J 349. John de Wixwick was appointed by the King 29th July ]349-^-, and confirmed in his office by his majesty by patent dated ist Aug. 13512'^. Henry de Barton held the dignity in 1360. John de Branketre, or I^rangtre, was appointed 9th July 1361-^^, and installed 14th Aug. 1365. His will, made in 1374, was proved 24th Sept. 1375. Robert de Gebennis, cardinal j^riesf Basilicce XII session of it, and had not been Rep[. Grenfeld. and Reg. Melton. legally removed. Gaytani is sum- 2.'> i^^g (jr^nefield. moned to appear and defend his ^^ Claus. 35 Edw. I. m. 10. right; but neglecting to do so, 27 p^t. ip Edw. II. ot Fat. i the arclihishoj) removes him, Edw. III. and admits Bedewynd upon the 2f< p^t. i Edw. III. King's collation 6th Jan. 1306-7. ^ Pat. 14 Edw. III. Ui)on this, (iaytani cites Bede- ^^ Pat. 15 Edw. III. p. 3. m.5. wynd in the papal court for hold- 3> Pat. 17 Edw. III. ing a plurality of benefices; and ^- Pat. 23 Ed. III. p. 2. m. 15. the treasurership of York is se- ^^ Pat. 25 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 8. questered by the Poj^e's order See also Pat. 27 Edw. III. p. i. 9lh June 1325. The controver- m. 11. & Pat. 28 Edw. III. p. 2. sy commenced in 1306. Sec the m. 17. & Pat. 31 Edw. III. jjfoceedings in the matter in ^ Pat. 34 Ed. III. p. 2. m. 23.