BISHOPS. 13 de Sandale was granted 24th Nov. 13193^, and Adam, a monk of Winchester, was chosen by the chapter on the 30th of that month 3^, but the Pope nullified the election, and bestowed the see upon his legate 1320 Rigaud35 de Asserio, who had the temporalities re- i3Edw. II. stored to him 17th April 1320^^. He was consecrated by the Pope's command in the abbey at St. Alban's 1 6th Nov. following37, and he made his profession of obedience to archbishop Walter at Canterbury i6th Jan. 1320—21. He died at Avignon 12th April 1323 John de Stratford, archdeacon of Lincoln , was pro- ijEdw. II. vided to this see by papal authority's 20th June 1323, and consecrated on the 26th of that month. He did not however receive the temporalities until 28th June 132439, as the King was displeased at his promotion, having designed his chancellor Baldok for the bishop- ric. He made his profession of obedience to the archbishop at Mortlake ist Dec. 1324. He was made lord high chancellor of England in 1330, and 3rd Nov. 1333 he was translated to Canterbury ^o. 1334 Adam de Orlton-^ bishop of Worcester, was translated SEdw.Ill. to this see by papal provision, " rege inconsulto/' ist Dec. 1333 ; at which the King was highly offended, and would not therefore restore the temporalities until the 23rd Sept. 1334^-. He died 1 8th July 1345. On 22nd July the license issued to elect a bishop in the room of Adam de Orlton'*'^. John Devenesche was elected, but the Pope set aside 33 Pat. 13 Edw. II. m. 27. Robert de Baldok. »4 Ibid. in. 25. 39 Pat. 1 7 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 6. ^ Godwin and Le Neve call 40 pat. 7 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 13. him Reginald. 4i give Tarltonus, Godwin. •^ Pat. 13 Edw. II. m. 9. 42 Pat. 8 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 28. 37 Walsingham, p. 90. 43 Pat. 19 Edw. III. p. 3. m. 38 The King had nominated 27.