14 WINCHESTER. tho election, and, at the King's request, bestowed the bishopric on 1346 WiM.iAM Edendon or Edixgton, who was elected 20 Ed. III. 10th April and consecrated 14th May 1346. lie had restitution of the temporalities 15th July follow- ing'*^. He died 7th or 8th Oct. 1366-' ', having just before his decease refused to be translated to Canter- bury. His will, dated nth Sept. 1366, was proved 14th Oct. following. The license to elect a bishop on the death of William dc Edendon is dated 13th Oct. 1366"', and 1367 William of Wykkham or Wickiiam, archdeacon of 41 Ed. III. Lincoln, was unanimously elected *" ; the royal assent was given to his election 24th Oct. 1366^*^. The Pope did not give his approval until 12th July 1367. He was consecrated in St. Paul's cathedral, London, loth Oct. 1367, and the temporalities were restored to him 12th Oct. 1367^-^ He died 27th Sept. 1404 and was buried in Winchester cathedral. His will, dated 24th July 1403, was proved 9th Oct. 1404^'. The license for tho election of a bishop, vice "William of Wykeham, bears date 3rd Oct. 1404'^'. 1405 Hknrv Beaufort, bishop of Lhicoln, the King's natu- 6 Hen. w. ral brother '^, was translated to this see by papal pro- vision, and received the temporalities thereof 14th ^^ Pat. 2oPMv. III. j).i. 111. 27. spiritualities (viii Cal. Marcii) •* Ki'j^. Laiifjiiam. 2211(1 Veh. 1366-7. ^^' Pat. 40 K(Kv. III. p. 2. m.30. ^ Re^. Arundel, f. 216. Re^. •*' Klfctionein ejus nescio (juam ('ourtenay, f. 215 a. ob causam Paj)a diu confinnare •■»• Pat. 6 Hen. IV. p. i. m.31. distulit. Continuatio Hist. Win- 5- He was the thin! son of toniensis. .lolui of (Jaunt, duke of I^ncas- ^ Pat. 40 Kdw. 1 1 1, p. 2. m. 2 1 . ter, by Katharine Swinford ; and '*'•' Pat. 4iK(hv. III. p. 2. 111. 19. was created a R<nnan cardinal He was made administrator of under the title of St. Kusehius. the bishopric iii Id. Dec. (nth hut he was usually called "the Dec.) 1366, and he received the cardinal of Kngland."