BISHOPS. 15 March 1405^^. He made his profession of obedience to the archbishop on the 1 8th of the same month ^4. He died nth April 1447, and was buried in Winches- ter cathedral ^^. His will, dated 22nd Jan. 1446-7, with a codicil thereto 9th April 1447, was proved nth Sept. 1447^^. A conge d'elire, vice cardinal Beaufort, issued 15th April 1447^7; but 1447 William Waynflete, alias Pattyn, />rows^ of Eton, 25, was made bishop of Winchester by papal bull, dated vi Id. Maii (loth May) 1447^^; the temporaHties were restored to him 4th June ^9, on the i6th of which month he made his profession to the archbishop ^0, and he was consecrated 30th July. He died nth Aug. i486, and was buried in Winchester cathedral. His will, made 27th April i486, was proved 24th Aug. following. The license for the election of a bishop in the room of William Waynflete is dated 30th Jan. 1486-7 61. 1487 Peter Courtenay, hishop of Exeter, was however trans- 7 Hen.vii. lated to Winchester by papal bull, dated 29th Jan. ^3 Pat. 6 Hen. IV. p. 2. m. 31. •^4 Reg. Arundel, f. 28. '^^ Reg. Cantuar. 56 Reg. Stafford, f. 113. '^7 Pat. 25Hen.VI. p. 2. m.36. 58 Reg. Stafford, f. 27. 59 Pat. 25 Hen.VI. p. 2. m.29. He had a grant of the custody of the temporalities on the nth April, before he was nominated as bishop, (Pat. 25 Hen.VI. p. 2. m. 30,) and on the 3rd June fol- lowing, the King wrote and in- formed the archbishop of Canter- bury,chancellor of Kngland,"that master William Waynflete, pro- vost of our college royal of Kton, whom our holy father the I*ope hath provided unto thebishoprick of Winchester, hath this day made a renunciation of all the ' parolles* comprised in the Pope's bulls aforesaid which in anjrwise should be against us or our crown ; and hath also made feal- ty unto us for the temporalities of the same bishoprick, as by an instrument thereupon made, which we send unto you here enclosed, more openly it appear- eth. Wherefore we will and charge you, that under our great seal, being in your ward, ye do make unto him such our writings and writs as shall be necessary, and in that case hath been ac- customed to be had, for the deli- verance of the temporalities of the same bishoprick," &c. •0 Reg. Stafford. '"'I Pat. 2 Hen. VII. p. r. m. 18.