Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/292

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S86 DURHAM. and there his heart was deposited, but his body was buried in Durham cathedral -' The custody of the bishopric was granted i8th April 1237-', and the license to elect a new bishop issued on the 5th of the next month^-; in pursuance of which the monks elected Thomas de Melsanby, their prior -J; but the election was set aside -^, and under another conge d'elire, dated 13th Dec. 1240, the prior and chapter then unanimously elected 1241 Nicholas de Farnham 2nd Jan. 1240-41 ; he re- 25 H. III. ceived the royal assent loth Feb.'% and was conse- crated 9th June following-^. He resigned his bi- shopric 8th Feb. 1248-9'^', and retired into private life-^. The license to the prior and convent of Dur- ham to elect a successor to Nicholas de Farnham issued 5th April 1249'-'^, ^^^ ^^"& Henry was very urgent upon them to choose his uterine brother Aymer as their bishop ; the chapter, however, re- sisted the King's interference, and elected ^ In Leland's time there was multos labores inutiles, et sump- remaining a tomb in Salisbury tuosarum exj)ensarum effiisiones cathedral bearing an inscription, multiplices, cedente priore Du- stating that he was buried at nelmensi praeelecto, et sic ejus- Durham : Orate pro anima Ri- dem electione cassata, elegerunt cardi Poure quondam Sarum unanimiter (invocata Spiritus episcopi, qui ecclesiam hanc in- Sancti gratia) Nicolaum de Fern- choari fecit, &c Ricardus ham, &c. Matt. Paris. episcopus postea fuit translatus -^ Pat. 25 Hen. III. m. 9. ad episcopatum Dunelm. funda- - Matt. Paris. Annal.Winton. vit monasterium apud Tarrant Hist, Dunelm. says on Trinity CO. Dorset, ubi natus, nomine Sunday 26th May. Rich. Poure, ubique cor ejus 27 Matt. Paris. The custody corpus vero apud Dureham hu- of the bishopric was granted malum est, et obiit 15. die April. loth Feb. to Peter Chacepork an. 1237. 21 Hen. III. Anglia and Thomas de Newerk. Pat. Sacra, pars i. p. 734. ^^ Hen. III. m. 8. 21 Pat. 21 Hen. III. m. 9. ^h Hq died at Stockton in Feb. 22 Ibid. m. 8. i2-)8, and was buried in Durham 23 Matt. Westm. ct Hist. Du- cathedral. nelm. -"' Pat. 33 Hen. III. m. 6. 2-* Monachi Dunelmenses post