358 WESTMINSTER. Christopher Sutton, S.T.P., installed 30th April 1605. He died in May or June 1629, and was buried in the abbey. Lambert Osbaldestone succeeded in July 1629, ^^'^^ deprived in 1638, and restored in 1641. He died in the beginning of Oct. 1659, and was buried in the south aisle of the abbey. Benjamin Large, sometimes written Laney, S.T.P., was nominated 19th June 1639, installed the same month, and continued in it till Osbaldestone was re- stored in 1 64 1, and then he was removed to the eighth stall. ELEVENTH STALL. William Feythe or Harvy was appointed the first in this stalls 17th Dec. 1540. Thomas Raynold, installed ist Feb. 1544-5. Prebendaries of this stall since the settlement by queen Elizabeth. William Yonge was appointed the first in this stall by the Queen's patent, dated 21st June 1560^^. New- court calls him John. John Wickham, installed 21st May 1578. Richard Bancroft, S.T.P., installed 19th July 1587. He became bishop of London. Lancelot Andrews, S.T.P., 23rd March 1597-8. He became dean of this church. Adrian de Saravia, S.T.P., was installed 5th July 1601. He died 15th Jan. 1612-13, aetat. 82, and was buried in the cathedral at Canterbury. Gabriel Grante was installed 20th Jan. 1612—13. William Heywood, S. T. P., nominated 29th Aug. and installed 28th Sept. 1638. Ho died in 1663 or 1664. TWELFTH STALL. Gerard Carleton, S.T.B., was appointed the first in this stall, 17th Dec. 1540. ^ Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 13, m.5.
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