(34 WORCESTER. 1552 John Hooper, bishop of Gloucester^ having resignecl 6 Kdw. IV. that see to the King 26th April 1.552, it was dissolved and anialganiated with the diocese ot" Worcester, out of which it had originally been taken by king Henry VIII, and it was conferred 20th May 1552 on Hooper, un<ler the denomination of the bishopric of Worcester and Gloucester (Nicholas Heath, bishop of Worcester, having been deprived of liis see by the King)'^. On the accession of queen Mary to the throne, she de- prived Hooper of his see'", had him tried and con- demned to the stake. He was burnt to ashes at Gloucester 9th Feb. 1553—4, as a martyr ; and 1553 Nicholas Heath was restored to his see of Worcester I Mar. of which he had been deprived, and held it until he was promoted to the arclibishopric of York. Upon the translation of bishop Heath to York, queen Mary nominated 1555 Richard Pate or Pates, archdeacon of Lincoln and i&.2p.aiM. Winchester^ to the see of Vorcester, and restoreil the temporalities to him 5th March 1554—5'^. He was deprived of his bishopric by queen Elizabeth, and fled to the continent, where he died. The license to elect a bishop, on the deprivation of the last bishop, is dated 13th Nov. 1559^*-^. '^ Pat. 6 Edw. VI. p. I. mm. cil of Trent, Pate subscribed by 30. 34. 14. thenameof " Ricli.PatusWi^orn. '" Pat. I Mar. j). 7. m.34. Kpisc." No just inference liow- 1*^ Pat. I & 2 Phil. & Mar. p. I . ever of the fact can be maintained m. 25. Godwin supposes that from that circumstance as the Richard Pate had been elootcd to last session of the council of the see of Worcester immediately Trent was holden 3rd Dec. 1563, after the dej)rivati()n of Jerome some years after Pate was de- (jhinucci, hut before he received prived by queen Khzabeth, and consecration, was sent abroad on lie would doubtless be received an embassy, whence he refused and considered by the Koman- to return, whereupon the see of ist« as bishoj) of Worcester, not- Worcester was bestowed upon withstanding his deprivation by Hu^l I/itimcr ; and he draws the (^ueen. his inference from the fact that l'-* I'at. i EU». p. 6. m. a. at one of the sittings of the conn-