Page:Grimshaw, Bagshaw and Bradshaw.djvu/28

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Bag. (out of breath) Wheugh! here I am again! it's all right! I've delivered the letter, and here's Bradshaw's answer, which he begged me to deliver immediately—perhaps you'll do that for me, for I can't, it's addressed to Towzer.
Tow. (overhearing) A letter for me? (letting Grimshaw drop, and comes down.)
Bag. Towzer? the devil! (runs up, jumps, on to bed, drawing the curtains)
Tow. (takes letter from Fanny, and reads) "Sir—let me call Emily mine, and her three hundred pounds are yours." (rushes up to Grimshaw, and drags him down) Noble, liberal man! allow me to embrace you! (embraces him.)
Grim. (helplessly) I haven't the most distant idea what you're talking about; but never mind, go it—I'm resigned to my fate! Does anybody else want to embrace me?
Tow. Bradshaw, you've conquered! She's yours, Bradshaw—Emily's yours!
Emily. (running out from door, l. c.) Oh, thanks, thanks, my dear uncle!
Grim. As I said before, I'm resigned to my fate! (embracing Emily.)
Emily. My dear uncle, this isn't Mr. Bradshaw!
Tow. No—then who the devil are you, Sir?
Grim. Whoever you like, my little dear! the fact is, that I'm in such a state of confusion, that I neither know, nor care who I am; but to the best of my belief, I'm not Bradshaw—and I think I can take upon myself to assert that I'm not Bagshaw, tho' I have paid his tailor's bill—
Bag. (putting his head through curtain) You have?
Grim. Holloa! (dropping again into Towzer's arms—then suddenly rushing up to bed) Come out of my bed, Sir! (seizes Bagshaw, and pulls him out of bed, and down to the front)
Fan. Yes, Mr. Bagshaw, your debt is paid, and with your own money—I believe you will find the account quite correct. (returning purse.)
Bag. Then my poor Amelia must go without her watch and chain after all!
Tow. Your Amelia? his Amelia? (points to Grimshaw.)
Fan. No, not his Amelia, but his Fanny, if he will take her for better or worse. (offers her hand to Grimshaw.)
Grim. Take you? of course I will—better you may be,