Beach, Moses Yale, manufacturer, journalinventor, was born Jan. 7, 1800, in Wallingford, Conn. He invented the rag-cutting machines now used in paper mills. In 1835 he became proprietor of the New York Sun, said to be the first penny paper published in the United States. He died July 19, 1868, in Wallingford, Conn. Beach, Rex Ellingwood, author, playwright, was bom Sept. 1, 1877, in Atwood, Mich. He is the author of Pardners; and ist,
Beach, Seth Curtis, clergyman, author, was born Aug. 8, 1837, in Marion, N.Y. Since 1867 he has been a clergyman; and in 1907 he was made president of the unitarian ministerial union. He is the author of Daughters of the Puritans. Beach, Spencer Ambrose, educator, horticulturist, scientist, author, was bom in 1860 in Summer Hill, N.Y. Since 1890 he has been professor of horticulture at the Texas agricultural and mechanical college. He is a member of the American association for the advancement of science. He is the author of The Apples of New York, in two volumes. Beach, William Augustus, lawyer, was born Dec. 13, 1809, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. He was counsel for Theodore Tilton in his celebrated suit against Henry Ward B'eecher. He defended Julge Barnard during his trial for impeachment; and was associated in the trial of E. S. Stokes for the murder of James Fisk. He died June 28, 1884, in Tarrytown, N.Y. Beach, William Harrison, soldier, educator, historian, author, was born Oct. 8, 1835, in Seneca Falls, N.Y. In 1884-91 he was superintendent of schools of Madison, Wis.; and since 1891 has been head of the department of history and civics at the high school of Milwaukee, Wis. In 1880 he was president of the Wisconsin teachers' association. He is author of History of the First New York Lincoln Cavalry. Beadle, John Hanson, soldier, journalist, author, was born March 14, 1840, in Parke county, Ind. He served as a union soldier during the civil war. He was the author of
Utah The Undeveloped West WestWilds; and other works. He died Jan.
Life in
15, 1897, in Roekville, Ind.
Beadle, Samuel Alfred, educator, lawyer, author, was bom Aug. 17, 1857, in Atlanta, Ga. In 1867-71 he attended Store's school at Atlanta, Ga. In 1878-84 he taught in the public schools of Mississippi; and since 1884 has practiced law in Jackson, Miss. He has always been interested in literary pursuits; and has contributed extensively to current publications. He is the author of Sketches from Life in Dixie; Fragments; and a vol-
of Short Stories.
Beadle, William Henry Harrison, soldier, legislator, educator, college president, was born Jan. 1, 1838, in Howard, Ind. He gradi.ated from the university of Michigan in ISGl. He served during the civil war from
lieutenant to brevet brigadier-general
United States volunteers.
He was
ber of the legislature of Dakota territory; and served as superintendent of public instruction in 1879-85. He is the founder of the school system of the territory and state; and his most distinguished and enduring service was in securing the constitutional protection to the school lands and school funds of the state. He is the author of the provisions on education in the state constitution, and the upbuilder of the state normal school at Madison, S.D., of which he has been president since 1889. He is a prominent member of Scottish rite masonry in the thirty-third degree'.
Beakman, Daniel Frederick,
Jersey. He was the last surviving soldier of the revolution on the pension list. In 1778 he was enrolled in the militia, and then served in the war. His married life extended over eighty-five years; and his wife reached the age of one hundred and five. In 1867 congress passed a special act giving him a yearly pension of five hundred dollars during the remainder of his life. He died April 5, 1869, in Sandusky, N.Y. Beal, Abraham, philanthropist, was born about 1803 in Chatham, England. He became very familiar with the criminal laws of New York and other states; .and in 1863 assumed the general agency of the New York prison association. He was for many years an efficient officer of the New York port society. He died Feb. 25, 1872, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Beal, Foster EUenborough Lascelles, biologist, author, was born Jan. 9, 1840, in South Groton, Mass. In 1876-83 he was professor of civil engineering in Iowa agricultural college; and in 1883 was professor of geology. His writings include Birds of Iowa ; and Value of the Seed-Eating Birds. Beal, George Lafayette, soldier, was born May 21, 1835, in Norway, Maine. He left Portland in 1861 as colonel in the tenth Maine regiment. He was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers in 1864; and was mustered out of the service in 1866. He died Dec. 11, 1896, in Norway, Maine. Beal, Junis Emery, journalist, publisher, legislator, was bom Feb. 23, 1860, in Port
about 1760 in
Huron, Mich. In 1883 he graduated from the literary department of the university of Michigan. He is a successful journalist and publisher of Ann Arbor, Mich. In 1888 he was a presidential elector; in 1889 was president of the Michigan republican league; and in 1893 was president of the Michigan press association. In 1905-08 he was a representative in the Michigan state legislature. Beal, Mrs. Mary Barnes, writer, author, was born July 33, 1844, in B'ath, N.Y. She is the author of Boys of Clover Nook; and
Misunderstood Hero. Beal, Walter Henry, chemist,
scientist, ed-
author, was bom Dec. 9, 1867, in Old Church, Va. In 1887-91 he was the assistant chemist in the Massachusetts agricultural itor,