HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Beckwith, Paul Edmond, anthropologist, was born Sept. 23, 1848, in St. Louis, Mo. He was educated in St. Louis and Germany. In 1875-76 he was United States Indian agent at Devil's Lake Indian agency of author,
Bedel, John, soldier, lawyer, legislator, was born July 8, 1832, in Indian Stream Territory, N.H. His father was General Moody Bedel. The son enlisted as a private in the
Mexican war in 1847; and became a captain
North Dakota; and in 1877-86 was engaged as civil and mining en-
in 1849.
gineer in Colorado. In
He was made a brigadier-general of the United States volunteers, by brevet, dating in 1865, for gallant and
division of history in
the United States national
Washington, D.C. He was an expert on coins, medals and arms. He was the author of The Beckwiths; The Creoles of St. Louis; Customs of the Sioux; and Iron Ore and the Blast Furnace. He died June 27, 1907, in Washington, D.C. Beckwith, Philo Daniel, manufacturer, inwas born March 6, 1825, in Pike, N.Y. In 1871 he invented the Kound Oak stove for heating purposes, which has since revolutionventor,
ized the stove trade of the
United States. He of Dowagiac,
meritorious services. represented the
of Bath in the legislature; and was several times the unsuccessful democratic candidate for governor. He died Feb. 26, 1875, in Bath, N.H. Bedell, Frederick, educator, physicist, electrician, author, was born April 13, 1868, in
Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1890 he graduated from Yale university; in 1890-92 took a scientific course in Cornell university; and has received the degrees of M.S. and Ph.D. In
Beckwourth, James P., pioneer, was born about 1800 in Virginia. He was a mulatto. About 1850 he discovered a pass through the Sierra Nevada mountains that bears his name. During his adventurous life he was at one time chief among the Crow Indians, and he figures in many books of western
died in 1867.
Bede, J. Adam, educator, journalist, congressman, was born in 1856 in Lorain county, Ohio. He was educated in the public schools of his native state; learned the printers trade; taught school; engaged in newspaper work as a profession; lived in most of the western and southern states; and did reportorial work in Washington. He was appointed United States marshal for the •district of Minnesota in 1894; served through the great railroad strikes of that year and resigned. He is identified with the business and public affairs of Pine City, Minn. In 1903-09 he was a representative from Minnesota to the fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth and sixtieth congresses as a repuliean. Bedel, Hazen, soldier,
was bom
In 1812-13 he was private and surgeon in the eleventh United States infantry; and in 1£14 attained the rank of second lieutenant. In 1814-15 he was regimental quartermaster; and in 1818 attained the rank of lieutenant. Bedel, Timothy, soldier, was bom about 1740 in Salem, N.H. He served as a lieutenant in the French war. In 1775 he was appointed captain of rangers; and in 1776 became colonel of the first New Hampshire regiment, joining the northern army under Schuyler. He died Febraary, 1787, in Haverhill,
He was
ted to the bar in 1850, and practiced in Bath.
1886-1905 he was assistant curator of the
was four times
1893 he was appointed assistant professor of physics in Cornell university;
was professor of physics; and since 1906 has been professor of electricity in that institution of learning. He is general secretary of the American association for the advancement of science; and was a member of the jury of awards of electricity at the Louisiana purchase exposition in 1904. He is well-
for his investigations in alternating currents of electricity; and is associate editor of the Physical Review. He is the author of Alternating Currents ; Laboratory Manual of Physics; The Principles of the Transformer; and several other works on electric-
Bedell, Gregory Thurston, clergyman, bishop, author, was born Aug. 17, 1817, in Hudson, N.Y.JIe was the third protestant epis-
copal bishop of Ohio. He was the author of of Christ; The Profit of Godliness; Pastoral Theology; Principles of Pastorship; The Age of Indifference; Episcopacy; Fact and Law; and a few minor works. He died March 11, 1892, in New York City.
The Divinity
was born
Oct. 28, 1793, on Staten Island, N.Y. St. Andrew's church of Philadelphia was established through his labors. He was the author of Renunciation ; Ezekiel's
Vision; and Sermons. He died Aug. 30, 1834, in Baltimore, Md. Bedford, Gunning, soldier, congressman, governor, was born about 1730 in Philadel-