phia, Pa. He was a lieutenant in the French war in 1755; became major in 1775; was lieutenant-colonel in Hasler's regiment in 1776; and was wounded at White Plains. He
78 was the twenty-sixth governor of Jersey. He died Oct. 21, 1894, in New
was subsequently appointed muster-mastergeneral in 1776. He was a delegate to the continental congress in 1783-85; was judge of the United States district court; and gov-
was born Dec.
ernor of Delaware in 1796-97. 30, 1797, in
died Sept.
Castle, Del.
Bedford, Gunning, lawyer, legislator, jurist, was born in 1747 in Philadelphia, Pa. He was a, member of the Delaware state legislature; and attorney-general of the state. In 1783-87 he was a delegate to the continental congress from Delaware. He was a member of the convention which formed the federal constitution; was a presidential elector in 1789 and 1793; and was United States district judge in 1789-1812. He died March 30, 1813, in
Wilmington, Del.
Bedford, Gunning
was born
in 1806, in Baltimore,
Md. In con-
nection with Dr. Valentine Mott, his former preceptor, he projected the university medical college in 1840; and took the chair of obstetrics, which he retained until 1862. He was the author of Lectures on Diseases of Women and Children; Midwifery; and he translated from the French several medical works. He died Sept. 5, 1870, in New York City.
Bedford, Mrs. Lou S., journalist, poet. She the author of A Vision and Other Poems; and Gathered Leaves. Bedinger, George Michael, soldier, congressman, was born about 1750 in Virginia. He was one of the earliest emigrants to Kentucky. He served as adjutant in the expedition against Chillicothe in 1779 as major at the battle of Blue Licks in 1782; and did good service throughout the war as an Indian spy. He was major of the United States infantry in 1792-93 was a member of the Kentucky state legislature in 1792. In 180307 he was a representative from Kentucky to the eighth and ninth congresses. He died in 1830 in Lower Blue Licks, Ky. Bedinger, Henry, lawyer, diplomat, congressman, was born in 1810 near Shepherdstown, Va. In 1847-48 he was a representative from Virginia to the thirtieth congress. In 1853 he was appointed charge (Ji^ffaires to Denmark, afterward was minister resident. During his residence in Denmark he was successful in bringing about the treaty abolishing the sound dues. He died Nov. 26, 1858, in is
Shepherdstown, Va. Bedle, Joseph Dorset, lawyer, jurist, governor, was born Jan. 3, 1831, in Mattawan, N. J. In 1865-73 he was judge of the supreme court of New Jersey. In 1875-78 he was governor of New Jersey. He died Oct. 21, 1894, in New York City. Bedle, Joseph Dorsett, lawyer, jurist, governor, was born Jan. 5, 1821, in Middletown, N.J. In 1865 he was elected justice of the suprpTne court of New Jersey; and in 1875-
New York
Bedlow, Henry, capitalist, author, poet, 21, 1821, in
New York
In 1868 the island to which he gave his name came to him by purchase; and there he made his home. He also served in 1848 as assistant physician of the American expedition to the Dead Sea. While thoroughly a New Yorker, Mr. Bedlow long ago made Newport his home; and held the office of mayor of that city in 1875-77. He is the author of The White Tsar and Other Poems. Bee, Bernard E., soldier, was born about 1823 in Charleston, S.C. He served as captain on frontier duty in Minnesota oiT the
Utah expedition; and in Dakota until 1861, when he resigned and entered the confederate service. He held the rank of brigadiergeneral; and commanded a brigade of South Carolina troops at Bull Run. He died July 21, 1861. Bee, Hamilton Prioleau, soldier,
July 23, 1822, in Charleston, S.C.
was born
He was
brigadier-general in the confederate service during the civil war. He is a brother of Bernard C. Bee, who at Bull Run said: There is Jackson standing like a stone wall, thus giving to that officer a name that would live for all time, while he was to die that day himself. He died Oct 3, 1897, in San Antonio,
Texas. Bee, Thomas, lawyer, jurist, congressman, author, was born in 1729 in South Carolina. He was a revolutionary patriot of South Carolina; was member of the state assembly; was speaker of the house of representatives was member of the privy council; was judge of the state courts was member of the council of safety; and was lieutenant-governor. In 1780-82 he was a delegate to the continental congress. He became a, judge of the United States district court and of the circuit court. He was the author of Reports of the District Courts of South Carolina in 1810.
Beebe, Bezaleel, soldier, statesman, was born April 38, 1741, in Litchfield, Conn. As one of Roger's celebrated rangers, he was engaged in the bloody fight where Putnam was captured; and he was also at the capture of Montreal in 1760. He was appointed to the command of all the Connecticut troops raised for sea-coast defence, with the duties and pay of a brigadier-general. After the war he was frequently a member of the state legislature. field,
29, 1824, in Litch-
Beebe, Charles William, ornithologist and author, was born July 29, 1877, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Since 1899 he has been curator of ornithology in the New York zoological park. He is a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science. With his wife he is the author of Two Bird Lovers in Mexico; The Bird; and' The Log of the Sun. scientist,