HERniNGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Bennett, Henry Holcomb, illustrator, artauthor, was born Deo. 5, 1863, in Chilli-
cothe, Ohio. He is an illustrator in water colors of landscape, birds and animals. He is A writer of army stories and ornithological ar-
He is the author of The Animal Paint Book. Bennett, Hiram Pitt, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born Sept. 2, 1826, in Carthage, Maine. In 1852 he was elected to a judgeship in western Iowa. He removed to Nebraska territory in 1854; and was at once elected a member of the territorial council. In 1858 he was re-elected to the Nebraska legislature; and was made speaker of the house. He removed to Colorado territory in 1859; and in 1861-65 he was a territorial delegate to the
thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth congresses. In 1868 he was appointed postmaster of Denver; in 1876 was elected state senator of Colorado; and in 1885 was appointed state agent for Colorado on claims of state against the federal government. Bennett, Ida D., litterateur, author, was born Jan. 3, 1860, in Coldwater, Mich. Since 1892 she has been engaged in literary work; and has contributed to the Pilgrim, Country Life in America; Town and Country and Brown Book. She is the author of The Flower Garden and the Vegetable Garden. Bennett, Isaiah, soldier, physician, surgeon, was born in 3 832, in Madison county, Ohio. He was educated in the public schools; graduated from the Lincoln j, medical college ; and from the medical department of Cotner university. He now practices his profession at Wilsonville, Neb. He is a graduate of Oberlin college of Ohio. He was captain of company I, thirty-third regiment Ohio state guard. He is a member of the leading medical societies and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor in the gift of his city, coun;
ty and state. Bennett, J.
was associate
justice of the
lawyer, jurist.
In 1871 he
supreme court of
Bennett, James Gordon, journalist, was born May 10, 1841, in New York City. He became proprietor of the New York Herald upon the death of his father. He added to the, fame of his paper by publishing in England storm-warnings transmitted from the United States; by fitting out the Jeanette polar expedition; by sending Henry M. Stanley in search of Livingstone; and by other similar enterprises. In 1883 he associated himself with John W. Mackay in forming the commercial cable company and laying a new cable between America and Europe to compete with the combined English and French lines. Bennett, James Levi, lawyer, jurist, was born April 8, 1849, in Durhamville, N. Y. In 1874 he began the practice of law; and became judge of the supreme court of New York. In 1894 he was elected district attorney; and is now judge of the court of appeals of New York. Bennett, James R., clergyman, missionary, author, was born May 26, 1845, in Lawrence county, Ind. He has been engaged in pastoral work among missionary baptist churches; and now fills a pastorate in Worthington, Ind. He is the author of Twentieth Century Letter to the Baptist Brotherhood. Bennett, John, journalist, planter, lecturer, illustrator, author, was born May 17, 1865, in Chillicothe, Ohio. He is the author of Master Skylark; The Story of Bamaby Lee; and The Treasure of Peyre Gaillard. Bennett, John E., soldier, was bom in New York. He became colonel in the seventy-fifth regiment Illinois volunteer infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He served in the regular army until 1868. He died Dec. 31, 1893. Bennett, John Wilson, physician, surgeon, public official, was born Jan. 15, 1864, in Eldora, N.J. He graduated from the medicochirurgical college of Philadelphia, Pa. He has been president of
Long Branch
board of health since 1890 and was commis;
town of Long Branch, N.J. In 1903-04 he was president of the new state sioner of the
board of New Jersey; he is a member of the
Arkansas. Bennett, James, soldier, was born in Connecticut. In 1877 he was sergeant-major in the seventh Connecticut regiment; and in 1780 attained the rank of second lieutenant. In 1799 he was promoted to captain; was honorably discharged in 1800. He died Nov.
medical examiner for various insurance companies. He has been chairman of the Monmouth county republican committee; and is a director in the New
14, 1819.
York and Monmouth Park steamboat com-
Bennett, James Gordon, journalist, founder, was born Sept. 1, 1795, in Scotland. He emigrated to the United States in 1819 and in 1835 founded the New York Herald, the first newspaper that published a daily money article and stock lists. He was its editor and proprietor for nearly forty years. He died June 1, 1872, in New York City.
scientific societies;
pany. Bennett, Jonathan McCalley, lawyer, statesman, was born in 1814 in Lewis county, W.Va. He was a noted lawyer of Weston, W.Va. He was the first prosecuting attorney of Gilmer county, W.Va.; was a member of the Virginia state legislature; and served as a member of the West Virginia state senate.